Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 110 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 110 Not the Ake in your memory (8)

In the Warring States period in history, Qin finally unified the six countries.

And although there are also seven kingdoms in troubled times here, they are empty, and it is really uncertain who will unify the country in the end.

I just hope that this moment will come soon.

In troubled times, high-ranking kings are chasing higher power and status, ambitious and talented people will compete to display their ambitions and fulfill their wishes.

And the only ones who suffer are these ordinary people whose lives are worthless.

Of course, it also includes assassins like her and Gao Jianli who can't help themselves.

Live today, die tomorrow.

If there is a chance to live a good life, who wants to live a life of licking blood every day?
Yan Huan, who was lying on the bed, tossed and turned, the pain in his body was far less than the exhaustion in his heart, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

It's time to sleep, there are things to do tomorrow.

Yan Huan closed his eyes and sighed faintly.

Now the plane of the raider seems to be getting more and more difficult, and the characters of the raider are also getting more and more incomprehensible.


Why do you say more and more?

She doesn't even remember the previous planes ⊙_⊙


Did not sleep well all night.

As an assassin with keen senses, when Yan Huan heard the movement outside the door, he immediately sat up vigilantly and touched the bayonet he was carrying around his waist!


She gave a low drink.

The black shadow outside the door said softly, "Ake, it's time for us to leave the city."

It was Gao Jianli's voice.

Yan Huan breathed a sigh of relief, turned over and got up to take a shower.

Today they are going out of town together.

Yan Huan never expected that Gao Jianli, the Crown Prince of Wei who was killed yesterday, would dare to leave the city today!

The guts are too fat, right?
The middle-aged couple I saw for the first time, this time only the woman went out with them. She disguised herself as a young woman and was Gao Jianli's main wife.

Yan Huan, this time she finally didn't have to act as an ugly pregnant woman, but dressed up as a coquettish, seductive brothel woman, Gao Jianli's concubine who just redeemed herself from the brothel.

Yan Huan: Being taken advantage of again -_-||
Gao Jianli is no longer an ordinary face, but a handsome young man, a handsome dude.

Yan Huan originally thought that the person who changed his face this time was an ordinary person again, but Gao Jianli really did not play according to common sense!
This kind of man, I really don't know how to get rid of it!
It's been several days, and the favorability point hasn't even increased by 1 point!
(Desperate face at 45 degree angle)
This time the carriage was a little better, with soft cushions inside and less bumps.

There were three people sitting in the carriage, and they wandered all the way to the gate of the capital of Wei Guoguo.

The guards at the gate are still checking the people who have left and entered the city in the past, but they are more strict than before.

Early in the morning, he received an urgent order from his superiors, saying that everyone who came and went would be strictly checked, but he didn't say the reason.

After all, the prince of a country was killed in his bedroom by an assassin. If this spread to the ears of the common people, how disappointed they would be with the country.

The country can't even protect its own prince, let alone the common people!

The guard yawned tiredly, beckoned Yan Huan in the carriage to get off, and searched.

Yan Huan covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief in disgust, frowned, and reluctantly got out of the car.

"What are you doing down there? There's so much dust, it's choking me!"

Yan Huan whimpered a few times, and the bones of those who listened were a little bit brittle, and she gave Gao Jianli a wronged wink.

God knows how much courage she mustered up to wink at Gao Jianli!

 Thanks to Nanyu Twilight for the 498 book coins~

  Yi and Nanyu Twilight Fairy's little long comment!Familiar eyes ~ Mengmeng is moved to 360-degree rotation without dead ends and kiss you!
(End of this chapter)

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