Chapter 1075

Oh... Erlang God's Roaring Sky Dog?

Hearing this weak whimpering sound, it was just a little milk dog at all, so there was no feeling of viciousness.

Yan Huan nodded indifferently, expressing that he would not tell the matter.

She's not an ignorant brat, she would report to the teacher when she has nothing to do.

The car stopped for more than ten minutes. At the entrance of the alley not far away, the driver led a girl towards the car. The girl lowered her head and held a long-eared rabbit doll in her arms. Yan Huan is about the same age.

The man turned his head and looked at the girl up and down, his smile was unclear, his mouth was full of black and yellow teeth, still so wretched and disgusting.

He pushed the girl, probably touched her buttocks, the girl lowered her head, bent over and got into the back seat of the car with a flushed face.

She looked at Yang Jian, and then at Yan Huan, Yan Huan moved to the side with a blank expression to make room for her, but the girl sat next to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian moved to the side in a bewildered way, and the girl blushed and whispered, "Thank you."

The timid and shy appearance is like a timid newborn rabbit.

It's just right that she doesn't come here, and Yan Huan doesn't like people getting close to her.

"My name is Xia Ruoyu, the summer of summer, if not Ruo, the rain of rain."

This was an active greeting, Yan Huan leaned against the back of the chair and closed his eyes to rest, greeting them lazily.

Yang Jian glanced at Yan Huan who seemed to be asleep, and said in a soft voice, "Yang Jian, the wooden character is Yang, Jian Mie's Jian."

Xia Ruoyu didn't even look at Yan Huan, but instead asked Yang Jian, "How old are you this year?"


Yang Jian doesn't like to talk when someone is sleeping, and always feels that no matter how quiet the voice is, it will disturb others.

But Xia Ruoyu really wanted to chat with him, so she smiled and said, "Then I'll call you brother."

Yang Jian frowned noncommittally.

"By the way, why did you tie a black cloth on your forehead? Is your forehead hurt?"

While talking, Xia Ruoyu was about to reach out to touch the black cloth on his forehead, but Yang Jian dodged it with an uneasy expression.

It's okay to ask, most people will be curious, but he doesn't like others to touch it.

Feeling his resistance, Xia Ruoyu quickly withdrew her hands and lowered her head, apologizing in a low voice, "I'm sorry."


He replied lightly, then glanced at Yan Huan again, she was leaning against the back of the chair and still maintained the posture just now, without even moving her eyelashes.

The car drove to the countryside and picked up a seven or eight-year-old little girl who was probably abandoned by her family, choked on crying, and was still calling her parents.

The little girl sat next to Yan Huan. A child is very timid. When she was in a strange environment and surrounded by strangers, she curled up on the chair and sobbed softly with her arms folded.


They were all abandoned by their parents, Yan Huan finally lifted his eyelids and glanced at the little girl.

There were still some bruises on her bare arms, which were also caused by beatings.

Silly child, who is beaten like this and still calls mom and dad, staying there is the devil's den, and coming out is the real relief.

Yan Huan hesitated for a while, then slowly raised his hand, and let the little girl carry it on his back.

After being comforted, the little girl felt even more aggrieved, she hugged her legs and bowed her head and cried even harder, her thin shoulders twitched.

Yang Jian looked at Yan Huan's hand, she patted the little girl's back expressionlessly, mechanically stiff like a robot, a bit funny, he bent his lips.

 Thank you for the 100th anniversary of Orange Sea Rampant ^ Reward [-] book coins~

  【Hold Xi'er and give it a sip~】

(End of this chapter)

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