Chapter 1076

Gao Ning is really a small town.

Yan Huan felt that it was not as good as the town she used to live in. Everything here looked backward and dilapidated, the roads were narrow, the houses were old, and the buildings were rare, mostly bungalows.

And this orphanage is even more...unspeakable.

The van turns and turns, and enters a remote place that looks like an abandoned factory. The door is a mottled iron gate, rusty and dark red. When you enter, you will find a large yard, where several little girls aged seven or eight sit. Playing house on the grass, there are several bungalows behind the yard, there are a lot of graffiti on the concrete walls, and there are thick creepers on two walls.

Yan Huan pursed her lips, feeling in her heart that in this orphanage, except for the sign on the gate that said orphanage, the word welfare could not be seen anywhere else.


The middle-aged aunt who was cooking in the kitchen came out, wiped her greasy hands on her apron, and looked at Yan Huan and the three girls as if she saw shiny gold in their eyes.

The yellow-toothed man smiled, "Yeah, new here. Ari and I just picked it up today."

The middle-aged woman smiled so hard that she couldn't see her eyes, "Thank you for your hard work, let's have dinner together tonight, this inspection..."

The yellow-toothed man glanced lewdly at Yan Huan and Xia Ruoyu, "Let's check after dinner tonight, the little one doesn't need to be checked."

The middle-aged woman nodded, looked at Yang Jian, and frowned a little unhappy.

"Why did you bring back such a big boy?"

Huang Yanan glanced at Yang Jian without saying a word, and curled his lips, "I'll tell you tonight."

The conversation between the two seemed to contain a lot of codes for no apparent reason, Yan Huan was a little confused anyway, the middle-aged woman used a loudspeaker to call for people to have dinner together, many people came out of the bungalow one after another, and stood mechanically in the yard with lunch boxes Waiting in line for food.

Most of them are girls, the oldest one is Yan Huan's age, and they are basically girls in their early ten years old, and there are also boys, probably in their early ten years old.

Huang Yanan found four lunch boxes out of nowhere, stuffed one for Yan Huan and the others, and pointed to the back of the line, "Let's line up."

Yan Huan held his lunch box and looked down. The lunch box was worn out, not brand new, as if it had been used by someone.

A girl's name was engraved on the bottom of the lunch box, "Good night."

This is a lunch box used by others, and now it is used for them again.

There is no way, this orphanage looks very poor, and it is understandable to recycle things, Yan Huan pursed his lips, suppressing the discomfort of the little cleanliness in his heart.

With such a large group of people, the food is naturally not that good, but Yan Huan usually doesn't eat well at home, so it doesn't matter.

Yang Jian sat one meter away from Yan Huan with his lunch box in his hands. He was already very polite and smiled friendly.

"What's your name? Everyone knows each other, but now... I don't know you."

Yan Huan pursed her lips, stood up with her lunch box in hand, and sat down at a place ten meters away from him.

Yang Jian:. . .

There is no way, she really hates people approaching her, especially men, what makes her hate it is like eating a few flies.

Yang Jian took two mouthfuls of food in embarrassment, comforting himself silently in his heart, nothing happened just now, and he didn't say anything.

Xia Ruoyu and the little girl sat next to Yang Jian to eat together. They all came in in one batch, and they were a little more familiar than the others. She looked at Yan Huan like she was looking at a monster who didn't fit in.

 Good night, Beibei~
(End of this chapter)

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