Chapter 1077

"How long are you going to stand facing the wall? Come here quickly."

Yan Huan turned around in bewilderment, and Aunt Wang glanced at her thin body like bean sprouts, and pointed to the bed with her chin.

"Same as the one just now."

There was no one in the room, only the two of them, Yan Huan was still embarrassed, took off his clothes slowly, and lay stiffly on the bed, motionless.

Aunt Wang's eyes swept over her body, as if she was satisfied that she didn't have any scars on her body.

Yan Huan was not wearing underwear.A girly vest instead of a girl's vest. People like Aunt Wang who have seen countless girls can tell what her figure is like with a simple glance, so they didn't take off her vest and asked a question.

"How old is this year?"

Yan Huan said silently, "Fifteen."

"Has anyone ever been there?"

Yan Huan blushed, and said truthfully, "No."

In Lin Yanan's memory, there was indeed none.

Aunt Wang was noncommittal, turned her back to Yan Huan and opened the drawer to find something.

Yan Huan secretly drummed in his heart, the inspection at the orphanage is completely different from the physical examination organized by the school.

There is no need to draw blood, let alone measure heart rate and blood pressure. What kind of test is this?

Just look at yourself?
Aunt Wang took out a pair of very thin rubber gloves from the drawer and put them on, then turned around and looked down at Yan Huan. Her face was already gloomy, and with the glare of the incandescent lamp, Yan Huan felt like he was lying in the operating room about to be dissected illusion.

"The underpants are also taken off, let me check for you."

what? !

Yan Huan looked at her in disbelief, thinking he had heard wrong.

She had her back to the wall before, except for her voice, she didn't know how Aunt Wang checked Xia Ruoyu.

Now let her take off her panties suddenly, want to check there?
Yan Huan was stunned.

Is this a normal physical examination? !For a normal physical examination, you should also pay attention to whether you have had sex with a boy? !
Seeing her stunned, Aunt Wang tried to take off Yan Huan's underpants herself, Yan Huan hurriedly crossed her legs and shrank back, staring straight at Aunt Wang, "I'm really incomparable!"

Aunt Wang glanced at her, as if she was used to seeing girls who made such a fuss, her voice was as indifferent as ever.

"It's just a routine inspection, what are you afraid of?"

"Why do routine inspections check whether there are men?!"

Aunt Wang choked at her words.

His originally gloomy face was even darker now, he stared at Yan Huan expressionlessly, and suddenly smiled.

"You're the first to ask that."

All the children who come to the orphanage are orphans or abandoned children who are not wanted. They just want to have a safe place where they can eat and live. How can they be in the mood to care about how the body is checked?

But this girl...

Aunt Wang pushed her leg away with one hand, and when the cold rubber glove touched there, Yan Huan's whole body trembled in fright.

"Don't move!"

Aunt Wang scolded in displeasure, "You'll break it yourself in a while, and it's useless to regret it!"

Yan Huan absolutely hates other people touching her, neither men nor women, let alone a stranger touching her place!

"I told you I didn't! Don't your orphanages accept abandoned orphans? Why do you care about this?!"

"Don't touch me!"

"You are breaking the law! Invasion of other people's privacy! Be careful and I will sue you!"

Yan Huan kicked Aunt Wang's hand away, her eyes were so fierce that her thin body didn't match, she stared at Aunt Wang like a crazy little wolf dog, ready to jump over and bite off a piece of flesh from her at any time!

Aunt Wang rubbed her wrist that was kicked, she smiled cautiously, "Little girl is not big, but she has a big temper."

 Because the website has been strictly censored recently, there are no obscure words related to H, and they are blocked at every turn, annoying QAQ
  Thank you coffee for rewarding 99 book coins~

  【Hold the little newcomer and give it a sip~】

(End of this chapter)

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