Chapter 1078

Aunt Wang gave Yan Huan a sad look, her sharp eyes locked on her body, and after looking at her for a long time, she smiled with her curved lips inexplicably, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes folded together, and Yan Huan's scalp felt inexplicably numb.

There's a feeling...that Nanny Rong is going to prick Ziwei with a needle.

Aunt Wang didn't insist anymore, she stood by the bed noncommittally, and didn't say whether she wanted to check again, anyway, Yan Huan shivered, put on his clothes, and ran out of the door as if fleeing, almost tripping over the broken stones on the ground.

Welfare home, is this a welfare home? !
Do you care so much about the girls who come in?Is there such a reason?
Although it is said that you can't judge others casually with malice, judging from the current situation, this orphanage is indeed not as simple as imagined.

She'd better find someone to inquire about what this orphanage is for, and will it...

Thinking of something, Yan Huan felt a chill all over her body, she rubbed her arms and walked back with her head down, her mind was full of confusion, she almost bumped into someone suddenly.

"It's you?"

Yang Jian was a little surprised, he moved his schoolbag to his shoulder, "Have you finished the physical examination?"

Yan Huan's face suddenly darkened, she lowered her head, Yang Jian couldn't see her expression clearly, and was about to ask her a few more questions, Yan Huan walked around him, and left with arms folded.

This girl is so weird.

It seems to be deliberately avoiding him, unwilling to have contact with him.

Yang Jian scratched his head in puzzlement, his delicate and handsome features were covered with confusion by the moonlight, he stared blankly at Yan Huan's back, the person he was staring at suddenly stopped and turned around.

Yang Jian's heart beat wildly twice, as if he had been caught as a thief with a guilty conscience, he moved his schoolbag and walked towards the boys' dormitory group.

Yan Huan didn't say anything to tell him to stop, but walked quickly to him and looked at him expressionlessly.

Yang Jian felt guilty for a while, this girl was a lot shorter than him, and her aura could...shock him.

"What's wrong with you?"

Yan Huan cast a glance at the small forest next to her, and she walked there first.

It's strange, the lonely man and the widow went into the grove alone, Yang Jian didn't have the slightest idea of ​​being charming, but a little suspicious, would she kill herself and throw her body in the grove?
After all, this girl never speaks, never has any expression, never contacts with people, like an abnormal person wandering outside the world.

Although I don't really want to go to the grove with her in my heart, my body is still very honest.

Yang Jian followed Yan Huan into the grove, where there was a rotten smell of dirt and leaves that hadn't seen the light, and the moonlight shone through the leaves on the top and sprinkled on the ground like small pieces of shattered silver.

Yang Jian asked again, "What's the matter with you?"

Yan Huan frowned, she was extremely resistant to contact with the opposite sex, but just after thinking about it, maybe she could try to rely on Yang Jian.

First of all, he is a strategy character, so it is impossible for him to have any bad intentions towards her, enough to make her trust, this is the most important thing.

Secondly, apart from Huang Fang and A Rui who brought them into the orphanage, Yang Jian was the oldest boy in the orphanage.

Yan Huan licked his lower lip, thinking about how to open his mouth to express his doubts to him.

After all... You can't just say that Aunt Wang, who checked their bodies, only cares about whether they are good or not.female?
She said softly, "I think there is something wrong with this orphanage, do you feel that way?"

Yang Jian's eyes widened instantly, "Aren't you dumb?!"

 Thanks to Fusheng Ruomeng for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you for the 100th anniversary of Orange Sea Rampant ^ Reward [-] book coins~

  Thanks to the girl who killed Matt for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Lianjiang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Hold on to the madness~ drag into the grove! 】

(End of this chapter)

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