Chapter 1086

Boys are not as vigilant as girls. Yang Jian asked a few boys and found out all the nasty things about the orphanage.

Under the banner of doing good deeds, the orphanage not only accepts orphans from Gao Ning, but also orphans and abandoned children from other towns, as well as children trafficked from other places. This place is like a large concentration camp for human trafficking. All the children are shipped here and sold to various places.

Of course, most of them are girls, and there are also a few good-looking boys, such as Yang Jian.

If the sale is not far away, it is usually sent directly by van. If it is a farther place, there is usually a large demand, so it has to be transported by truck. Before the delivery, the girls will be injected with drugs to prevent them During the transportation, he was disobedient and messed around, and was discovered by the police in other places.

They are like livestock and animals waiting to be sold. No one knows when, where, or to whom they will be sold.

It was the same as what Yan Huan thought at first.

This orphanage is doing dirty things.

"You know, after a girl went out in our dormitory yesterday..."

Yan Huan paused, it was really hard to say such a thing.

After the girl experienced a painful struggle in her heart, she tried to please Huang Fang with the idea of ​​surviving, but she was bullied in vain, and she still couldn't escape these people's dirty desire for money.

Yan Huan shook her head, it was the first time that Yang Jian saw in her eyes a color different from indifference and plainness, a determination and determination that would rather be broken than broken.

"I won't sit here waiting to die. I must escape. Even if I have no chance to escape here, I will definitely escape after getting in the car and being transported to another place!"

She looked at Yang Jian, "What about you? Do you want to stay here, or..."

Before Yang Jian opened his mouth to speak, he heard hurried footsteps not far away.

In desperation, he grabbed Yan Huan's hand, dragged her to hide in a low bush beside him, squatted on the ground, held his breath and remained motionless.

How could someone come at this time?

Little forest, it's getting dark...

Could it be that the yellow-toothed caterpillar got on his head and couldn't help but find someone to bully him after dinner?
Bloodletting every day, isn't he afraid of the sun?
"It's not dark yet, will anyone find you here?"

Yan Huan's head buzzed!
This is Xia Ruoyu's voice!

Xia Ruoyu and... and... Huangya... came to the grove? ! ! !


All three views collapsed!

The man grabbed Xia Ruoyu's chest vigorously, his tone was nonchalant, Yan Huan listened carefully, it was not Huangya's voice.

"So what if I find out? Who dares to control me if I find out? Besides, we are what you like."

Huang Fang's voice was rough and obscene, this person's voice was a few degrees lower and more normal.

Wait, what do you want? !

Yan Huan's head was struck by lightning again.

Out of curiosity, Yan Huan carefully looked in their direction through the bushes, and it turned out to be A Rui.

A Rui was the one who picked them up with Huang Ya that day. He met Xia Ruoyu only yesterday without saying a few words. Today, the two of them came to the grove? !
It is unbelievable, unimaginable.

"Don't worry, as long as you make me happy, I can't go back on what I promised you."

It turned out that they had a deal, Xia Ruoyu slept with him, and he helped Xia Ruoyu.

But what did Xia Ruoyu want Ari to do for her?
(End of this chapter)

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