Chapter 1087

Could it be that Xia Ruoyu also knew the inside story of the orphanage?Want Ari to help her escape?
How could she trust someone like Ari, wouldn't she repeat the same mistakes!
Didn't that girl think that as long as she slept with Huang Ya last night, Huang Fang wouldn't send her to have her organs excavated?

In the end, he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone!
That's why I would rather believe that there are ghosts in this world than believe in a man with such a bad mouth, especially a man with a heartless heart!
Yan Huan and Yang Jian squatted in the bushes without daring to move, they couldn't leave, and they didn't want to stay.

Then came the sound of men and women gasping, rustling, and the sound of undressing impatiently, accompanied by a few soft and delicate sounds.Moan.

He already had a fever, but now Yan Huan felt that his whole body was hotter, and his whole face was on fire, as if it had been cooked.

She was hot all over, and Yang Jian couldn't go anywhere normally.

They all knew what the pair in front of them were doing, but they could only squat in the bushes, unable to move at all, it was really tormenting.

The palms of her hands were sweating, getting hotter and hotter. Yan Huan realized belatedly that Yang Jian was still holding her hand!

She immediately withdrew her hand as if she had been electrocuted, and stared at Yang Jian. Yang Jian's blushing face turned even redder. She wanted to explain, but now she couldn't explain the situation.

Sweat broke out on his head, and he felt aggrieved and helpless. His bare upper body and his firm muscles that had been tanned to a wheat color seemed to be flushed with embarrassment.

Yang Jian's embarrassed look, coupled with the black cloth tied on his forehead, is inexplicably funny.

The resistance in her heart was not as strong as before, and she actually felt that Yang Jian's appearance was much more interesting than usual.

If it weren't for the indescribable scene ahead, she would still be able to chat with Yang Jian for the first time.

The blushing voice became more and more urgent, Yan Huan silently covered his ears with his hands, and lowered his head.

God, let's get this over with.

What evil did she do, nothing went well these days!
Her ears were scalding from being covered, and I don't know how long it took. Whether it was over or not, Yang Jian bumped her with his elbow, "They're gone."

Yan Huan stared at him blankly for a few seconds, "You're not watching all the time, are you?"

Yang Jian's face turned red again after he finally recovered, and he stared, looking insulted, "I, how could I? Do not look at evil, it's unsightly, how can I look at it?!"

Yan Huan blinked as if nothing had happened, "I'm just asking, why are you so excited?"

She stood up slowly, her legs became numb after squatting for a long time, her legs suddenly softened and she was about to kneel down, Yang Jian behind her kindly helped her.

Yan Huan instinctively grabbed his arm, her muscles were firm and powerful, and she smelled of male hormones. Her head buzzed suddenly, she quickly retracted her hand, and fell to the ground by herself!
Yang Jian:. . .

Yan Huan herself felt so embarrassed that she was going to die.

He touched the tip of his nose with a speechless expression, "I just wanted to help you up because I saw you were about to fall."

Yan Huan mumbled.

There is no way, the line of defense against boys in my heart is still difficult to pass.

She wondered if there was something wrong with her sexual orientation.

"Can you go back?"

Yan Huan walked towards the dormitory slowly, dragging his numb legs, "Yeah."

"Okay, be careful...we'll talk about it tomorrow night."

Yan Huan thought, let's go to the grove tomorrow night?God knows which couple will meet in the woods tomorrow night and do indescribable things?

 Good night~~~

  Confused about whether to hold a small event to give gifts on the Dragon Boat Festival, I feel that everyone is about to take the exam and have no time to participate.

(End of this chapter)

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