Chapter 1105

"Something dropped? What can be dropped? The back door and the front door are all locked!"

Just now everyone was noisy and bragging B, the atmosphere suddenly fell into silence.

"How does this sound sound like... the sound of chains falling to the ground?"

Another person immediately retorted, "Fuck you! I locked the rear door, and I pulled up the chain myself. How could it fall?!"

"How is that impossible? You're such a stupid bastard. Didn't you lock the door before it was opened last time?"

Just now they were called brothers, but now their eyes are red from the noise, and they are furious, wishing to push each other to the ground and beat them violently.

"It's definitely because your SB car door is not locked!"

"It's your MB!"

"Do you dare to bet with me?!"

"Hit! I'm afraid of you!"

The men threw away the cigarette butts in their hands, blushed arguing, rolled up their sleeves as if they were about to fight, and finally made a final decision.

"Go down and have a look! What if the car door is opened? What do you say first?!"

"If the car door is opened again, I will eat Shi! Eat Shi immediately!"

The driver braked, the truck stopped by the side of the road, and all the men got out of the car, except for the two bettors, the others were all watching the excitement.

A few people swept the car door with flashlights. The car door was wide open. The chain not far away fell to the ground and was illuminated by the light of the flashlight. Saw the girls lying in the coop inside.

Everyone was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on their backs.

If the car behind turned on the high beams and illuminated the chicken coop inside, there were so many girls in the chicken coop...

I can't even think about it!
If anyone saw this and called the police, they would be finished!I will be in prison for the rest of my life!

The leading man directly kicked another man's calf. The man who had closed the car door before was kicked to the ground, hugging his leg and moaning for a long time.

"You fucking want to die and want me to be buried with you?! You fucking locked the door twice and opened the car door twice?!"

The man who was kicked to the ground with a pale face hurriedly swore to the sky, his eyes widened in excitement, "I, I really locked it! If I didn't lock it, my whole family would be hit by a car!"

He also couldn't figure out why the door opened by itself inexplicably after the door was locked.

"There is a ghost! There must be a ghost! It's a ghost! We have done too many bad things and finally the ghost came to the door!"

The leader kicked him twice again, shut him up completely, he couldn't say anything except moaning, and he was still lingering on the unlocked door. Whose fault was it? Someone stuck his head out in the trunk I counted the girls in the chicken coop with a flashlight.

I counted several times, but two were missing.

He yelled at the top of his voice, no matter if he was afraid of being heard by others, "Stop making such fucking nonsense! Two girls are missing! Really two girls are missing!"

The leader was once again covered in cold sweat from being frightened, and today he finally experienced what it is like to lose his soul.

"Which two are missing?"

"This one over here, one over there, and the chicken coop over there is broken!"

The sudden situation frightened everyone out of their wits, how could they have the thought to make that person really willing to gamble and admit defeat?

The leader's face turned pale, pale and green again, he couldn't control the one who didn't lock the door, and roared, "Chasing! If you want to kill me, let me chase you! If you can't catch up, let's eat guns together and go to jail together!" wear!"

(End of this chapter)

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