Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1106 Tomorrow and the Ming Dynasty, Let’s Share the Bright Moonlight

Chapter 1106 Tomorrow and the Ming Dynasty, Let’s Share the Bright Moonlight (37)

"SB! What are you running forward?! Will they run forward?! Are we blind when we drive ahead?!"

"Go behind and chase! Behind! Go out and look for every exit! The two girls have been drugged again, and if they can't run far, let me look with my eyes wide open!"

The leader gave a lot of instructions, and the men ran back, nervous and frightened.


The leader ran a few steps closer, saw that there were no vehicles on either side of the circle, and then asked softly, "Have you brought all your guns?"

The men touched their waists one after another, and the bulging shape was indeed the shape of a gun.

The leader's eyes were gloomy, his tone was dark, and he had a strong killing intent, "If the situation is not right, just beat them to death in the dark, so as not to cause trouble for us!"

Everyone nodded. They used to be hooligans, and some even killed people and trafficked drugs. To them, killing people was like crushing two ants to death.

The men spread out and strode back. The leader walked around the truck anxiously, and slammed the door of the truck angrily. There was a loud "bang", but the girls in the truck were not awakened.

I don't know when those two sluts ran away, whether they rushed to the police station, and whether they confessed all these things...

He couldn't figure it out, they were obviously drugged and the door was locked, leaving only a palm-sized window, how did they open the car door and escape? !

Could it be possible to shrink the bone? !
He really finds it hard to understand, the man just exclaimed "there is a ghost, there is a ghost", now that he thinks about it, the surroundings are dark and quiet, the two beams of dim yellow light from the headlights, the inexplicably horrifying Shen Ren, who kills I've never been so scared.

Hope these idiots catch up to those two sluts!

He kicked the tire hard, scratched his hair twice anxiously, looked at the empty road, and anxiously waited for the news.

Where did Yan Huan think that Meng Qi didn't hang the chain properly, the chain fell off after they fled, and those people came after them after they found out? !
She and Song Wan were still running on the road, and they didn't know how far they ran, but they never saw an exit.

Song Wan had been drugged, Yan Huan had been starving for too long, both of them were physically weak, and they became out of breath after running for a while.

Song Wan supported her knees and gasped for breath, frowning pale, "When will there be an exit?"

Yan Huan shook his head, he was also panting badly, he had been locked in the trunk before and couldn't see the outside, who knew where there was an exit?
She looked back at the road behind her, but the truck didn't come back.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible for those people to find out that they escaped, unless the system really has a bug!

She patted Song Wan's hand and comforted, "Don't worry, we'll leave if we can't run. This is a provincial road, and it must lead to the exit to other places."

Song Wan took a few deep breaths, straightened up and walked slowly with Yan Huan, her face a little dignified.

"I'm so tired. Let's run after I take a break. I won't go into the police station. I'm so panicked that I can't bear it."

In fact, Yan Huan was also worried. She was also afraid that if someone came after her, she would have a severe headache just thinking about it, and she didn't know what to do.

The two walked slowly for a while, and then trotted again. The men chasing them saw two small dots moving in the distance, and one of the men let out a soft cry of surprise.

"Did you see the two in front? Are they those two girls?!"

(End of this chapter)

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