Chapter 1121

The sutured wound on the back did not show any scars. In such a short period of time, efficiency and strength coexisted. What Nezha said was right, this man's medical skills were indeed superb.

Yang Jian squatted in front of the operating table and looked at Yan Huan's face, he was pale and lifeless.

If he had known that Lin Yanan would be like this, he would rather be scolded by Jiang Taigong than stay in the dormitory and watch her well.

Bian Que picked up the disinfectant spray and sprayed some on his hands, washed his hands slowly, and said indifferently, "Distressed, guilty, and even more distressed."

He was talking about Yang Jian's eyes.

"New here, you like her."

Bian Que turned around and smiled jokingly, "You are quite courageous, an ordinary human girl, how did you fool her into Jiang Taigong's eyes?"

Yang Jian sighed heavily, "Thank you for bandaging her, and...can I trouble you not to tell Mr. Jiang about this?"

Bian Que pointed to Nezha outside the door with his eyes, "I never chew my tongue, but the one outside the door, you have to keep an eye on it."

Nezha in the corner snorted and rolled his eyes.

Is he the kind of person who talks a lot?
But this time Bian Que really thought too much.

Nezha finally hoped for someone to talk to him, wishing to honor Yang Jian as his ancestor, how could he offend him by chewing his tongue?
Bian Que was numb with goosebumps from Yang Jian's gentle eyes. He rubbed his arms, a little curious, "Sister?"

Yang Jian shook his head.

Bian Que twitched the corner of his mouth, "Then... the child bride?"

Yang Jian choked, blushing to the base of his neck, but still shook his head.

It's not a child bride, but it's also a girl I like.

Shaking your head is useless, whether you like it or not, you can control it by shaking your head?

What's more, Yang Jian's expression is exactly the same as when Liu Bei was confessed by Sun Shangxiang back then. It's true that he likes him, and he's also shy.

Men are much more thoughtful than girls.

Yang Jian looked at Yan Huan's unconscious and pale face, with worried brows, Bian Que thought it was funny, it was the first time he saw someone with three eyes, and it was also the first time he saw that person's three eyes were full of worry.

He doesn't like to be in contact with others, but he is quite interested in someone like Yang Jian who looks very interesting.

"In Jixia College, no one dares anyone to hurt people here. The wound on her body is blunt and rough. It looks like... she scratched her back with something."

Bian Que raised his eyebrows, "Does she have a tendency to self-harm?"

Yang Jian remained silent.

Song Wan's two shots were shot in the back. If he hadn't discovered the wound on Lin Yanan's back in time, he probably lost too much blood and died.

Does she really want to give Song Wan her life back?

Still the same body part.

Really... Dazed.

Lin Yanan was completely immersed in the guilt and self-blame towards Song Wan, and didn't want to live anymore, so she wanted to commit suicide to escape the pain in her heart.

Yang Jian raised his face and asked Bian Que, "Can I ask you a few questions?"

Bian Que hooked his lower lip in a friendly manner, "It's medically acceptable, but nothing else."

"If a person doesn't want to live anymore, how can she rekindle her hope for life?"

Song Wan was already dead. Whether Lin Yanan was immersed in pain or struggling with self-blame and guilt, it was her own suffering, and the outsiders who were watching really didn't know how to help her.

Just like this morning, he comforted her for so long and persuaded her so much, but she didn't listen to a single word.

 Thank you for wandering in your heart and rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Yun Hua [Big General Attack] for rewarding 300 book coins~

  Thank you Lianjiang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Bookworm vs Riceworm for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to the girl who killed Matt for rewarding 688 book coins~

  Thank you Bangui for rewarding 1095 book coins~

  Thanks to Aijiu sama for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thanks to Su Yuyu for rewarding 888 book coins~

  Thank you for such a pure and flawless love for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Qinglian (Yan) for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thank you Ning Kuaimu for rewarding 999 book coins~

  [Good evening~ I love you Moe! ! !Everyone is on summer vacation]

(End of this chapter)

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