Chapter 1122

Bian Que pondered slightly, "I don't want to live, I have no hope for this world? To be precise, this is the job of a psychiatrist. I... am not good at treating heart disease."

Yang Jian lost all three eyes, and Bian Que felt funny again, "But the reason is simple, since she has no nostalgia for this world, let her have some nostalgia for this world again."

He gave Yang Jian an ambiguous look.

"For example, you, let her leave this world reluctantly because of you."

A surprised light flashed in Yang Jian's eyes, his face was thin, so his face turned red again.

"Boys should take the initiative. Look at the couples in our academy. Except for Liu Bei, it's because Sun Shangxiang is too..."

Bian Que paused, and immediately changed the topic, "Women chasing men, separate walls, men chasing women, separate layers of gauze! Girls are easy to chase, let her like you, make her fall in love with you, make her reluctant to leave you! "

What he said was so logical that Yang Jian really believed it.

He told himself in his heart that he wanted to help Lin Yanan survive.

If Lin Yanan really liked him, he wouldn't... let her down and treat her badly.

He blushed and asked, "But... how do I... take the initiative?"

Bian Que twitched the corners of his mouth, "Don't tell me you've never taken the initiative to chase girls?"

Yang Jian nodded in embarrassment.

Bian Que was speechless.

In fact, he didn't know how he took the initiative to chase girls, after all, he was frigid.

But like Han Xin, Li Bai, and Gao Changgong, they should be very clear about the masters of flirting.

Yang Jian shook his head, blushing and stammering, "This, can talk about it later, how is she doing? If she loses too much blood, should I give her some blood? blood type is the same as hers. Can it match?"

Bian Que pointed him out the door, "No need for blood transfusion, just go back and ask the kitchen to make some red bean soup for her."

Yang Jian picked up Yan Huan and thanked Bian Que again. The girl in his arms was light and weightless. He wished that all the pain could be made for her to suffer. The helpless heartache was even more tormenting.

When Yang Jian came out, Nezha stared in surprise, "Healed the injury? So fast!"

He leaned closer and whispered, "You guys have been chatting for so long? It's amazing, Bian Que rarely talks so much with others!"

Nezha didn't know that Bian Que talked so much to Yang Jian because of his unusual and interesting third eye.

You can tell who you are with at the first glance.

Nezha glanced at Yan Huan's pale face, and patted Yang Jian on the shoulder, "Hurry up and send her back, the afternoon class is about to start."

I still have class in the afternoon.

How could he feel at ease and leave Lin Yanan alone in the room?Who knows if she will seek death again after she wakes up?

Her heart disease is very serious. She was originally introverted and bored in her heart. Now that there is such an additional incident, her heart must be even more depressed.

Bian Que's proposal... sounds very reasonable. Should he try and make himself the hope of keeping Lin Yanan in this world?


[A certain dream]: "Isn't it women chasing men, separated by layers of gauze, men chasing women, separated by walls?"

[Bian Que] (raises a few needles in his hand, smiles politely and gently, and approaches slowly)

"Blood burst injection, convulsion sudden death injection, intestinal rot injection, sudden death injection for madness, Mengmeng which injection do you want?"

[A certain dream]: You are right about poisonous milk!I have no doubts!No!

(End of this chapter)

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