Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 115 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 115 Not the Ake in your memory (13)

Yan Huan went to the small courtyard of Huatang, Asu sat on the stone bench in the backyard, shaking a round fan, holding a small celadon cup, sipping it one mouthful at a time.

Seeing her coming, he smiled at her.

The fox face mask made by Suyin covered the upper half of her face, leaving only a pair of tender eyes filled with water, with the tails of the eyes slightly turned up, which added a bit of charm to the gentle smile, revealing that she wanted to say something. .

Asu just glanced over lightly, Yan Huan only felt that half of his three souls and seven souls seemed to be hooked away!
There is no seduction, but it is better than seduction.

What's more, she hasn't shown her face yet!

I didn't realize it before, but Asu's eyes are so seductive.

Asu stood up from the stone bench, swayed his round fan lightly, and smiled lightly, "Master asked you to come here?"

Yan Huan nodded with a sincere tone, "I will ask Sister Asu for more advice in the future."

Asu smiled, stood in front of Yan Huan, looked Yan Huan seriously up and down, his eyes were serious and hot, Yan Huan felt inexplicably nervous when watching.

I feel like a pig waiting to be slaughtered -_-||

Asu nodded, with admiration in his eyes, Ake's appearance and figure are considered to be first-class.

She said again, "Smile first and show me."

Yan Huan frowned in bewilderment, puzzled in his heart, he was still reluctant on the surface, and showed a hint of a smile or not.

Aso's face froze.

This smile is even uglier than crying!
"You... smile more naturally."

Yan Huan licked his lower lip in embarrassment, then smiled again.

She is nervous and confused now, how can she smile so naturally?
Ah Su sighed inwardly, this charm is really not suitable for a woman like Ah Ke who is as resolute and indifferent as a man.

But after the order from her superiors came down, she had no choice but to try her best to teach her, as for how much she could learn...

It's up to Ake himself.

Asu stood still, her voice was charming, but quite serious.

"Then let's start studying."

Yan Huan glanced at the stone table, except for a pot of tea and a teacup, there was nothing else on it.

She asked curiously, "Well, don't you have any tools?"

There is always a brush and paper, right?

Or pick a branch and draw on the ground?

Asu blinked inexplicably, and looked at Yan Huan with a strange expression on his face.

She pondered slightly, "Well... we will use tools as an aid after we have completed the basic skills."

Yan Huan pouted, "Oh."

Maybe the ancient times and the modern way of learning painting are different.

Asu paused, then spoke again.

"The so-called charm technique, the most basic, is to hold a man's heart with a frown, a smile, a word, every gesture."

Yan Huan frowned.

There are ten thousand beasts running wildly in his heart.

First, fourth tone? !

Slow brains search quickly...

sister?Charm?sleep soundly?Charming?
It's charm!
Yan Huan's waist widened when he realized it, and his face was burning hot!
She actually wants to learn charm? !

Thinking about it, it's really, shy to Mars, okay?

Asu turned a blind eye to Yan Huan's suddenly excited expression.

The girls who learned Meishu for the first time were all surprised and shy.

Although Ah Ke seemed more surprised.

"Fairy, it's not deliberate, it's a natural flattery, from the marrow of the man's bones, it must penetrate into the marrow of a man, so that he can't leave you physically, and even more so in his heart."

Yan Huanting's face became even hotter.

But at the same time, I had a bad idea in my heart.

After learning the charm technique, won't it be easier to attack Gao Jianli?

 Emmmmm, am I going to spoil the kids...

(End of this chapter)

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