Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 116 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 116 Not the Ake in your memory (14)

Yan Huan is a typical 3-minute enthusiasm for doing things.

At the beginning, I was very interested in learning, but the more I learned, the more I felt tired.

Asu looked gentle, flimsy and full of smiles, and the teaching was so harsh that it was outrageous!

This reminded Yan Huan of the painful time when he was exploited by the class teacher when he was studying.

"Hanging the temples and lifting the hair, small gestures that seem to go unnoticed, but can show a woman's coquettish attitude."

Asu glanced at Yan Huan, who was absent-minded and sleepy, and his tone sank a bit.

"Ake, let me take a look at your hair."

Yan Huan raised his hand slowly, trying to show a delicate and soft feeling.

Asu's mouth twitched.

"It's not natural enough, it's too artificial."

Yan Huan floated a sad and helpless look.

She is not this material!
Outside the small courtyard of Huatang, Gao Jianli had just returned from his new mission. When he hurried past the door, he caught a glimpse of Yan Huan who was standing and undergoing training.

I haven't seen Ah Ke for a long time, but I saw you today...

Her long ink-like hair is scattered behind her head, and she is wearing a rare skirt. The slender waist of the liner is unbearable to grasp. The water-green skirt is embroidered with a circle of light-colored green lotus, which is fluttering in the wind, which is a bit out of the world. smell.

Ake like this has never been seen before.

Gao Jianli stopped in his tracks and stood outside the courtyard, looking at it leisurely.

Asu naturally noticed Gao Jianli, so his tone slowed down a bit.

"I'll give you a demonstration, you watch carefully."

She raised her hand, and gently brushed her long hair at the temples softly and charmingly. Her pale fingertips seemed to touch Yan Huan's heart. At the end, Asu lowered her eyes and curled her lips into a slight smile.

It is the shyness and softness of a woman.

Yan Huan:. . .gap!No comparison, no harm!

She had a bitter face, and her whole body exuded depression.

"You look at the locust tree over there, imagining that he is the man you like. You are very shy when you see him, you are at a loss, and you brush your hair."

Asu pointed to the locust tree beside him and guided her patiently.

Yan Huan turned around obediently, facing the big locust tree, and sighed faintly.

Sad reminder of life, no need to explain!
Gao Jianli looked at her turned side face, his complexion was a little rosier than before, his eyes were lazy, and his face was full of reluctance and helplessness.

Compared with the expressionless and indifferent Ake, this kind of Ake seems to be painted with bright colors in black and white ink painting.

Yan Huan turned to look at Asu, the eyes under the mask were fixed on her, Yan Huan sighed again.

Imagine that in front of you is someone you like?

Then, imagine that she wants to attack Gao Jianli.

Yan Huan took a few deep breaths, following Asu's example, brushing his long hair with his bare hands, his eyes were shy and shy, and the corners of his lips were bent.

On the contrary, he has imitated Asu's obsequiousness.

Gao Jianli, who was peeking outside, blushed inexplicably.

Blushing for the first time ever!
Gao Jianli's eyes darkened, he looked at Yan Huan again, and then turned to leave.

In the countryside of Wei State, the night was cold and the moon was half round, and the clear and cold brilliance hit Ah Ke. She raised her face and said that the bracelet was beautiful with embarrassment.

The early summer sun brought a bit of scorching heat, Gao Jianli loosened his neckline, and smiled meaningfully with his lips raised.

Ake, this girl is quite interesting.

[Strategy character favorability +20, current total favorability: 20]

Yan Huan raised her eyebrows and looked confused.

This favorability was inexplicably decreased, and inexplicably increased?

 Thank you Dongxia Weiliang for rewarding 100 book coins ~ what!

  Yan Huan: I heard you peeped at me?

  Gao Jianli: I was concerned about my subordinates.

  Yan Huan rolled up his sleeves, "Don't stop me! I'm going to beat this slut to death today!"

(End of this chapter)

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