Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1161 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1161 Chang'an is gone, long miss (15)

Fortunately, the night vigils in the Tai Hospital are usually guarded by two people together.

The night guards are basically young apprentices taken by the imperial physicians. In fact, there is nothing to do at night. They are just afraid that there will be an emergency. The harem will send someone to call the imperial physician, but there is no one here.

The imperial doctors still have a lot of things to do during the day, and they have to rest at night, so let the young apprentices keep vigil here, and go to the backyard to wake them up if there is a situation.

This is what the boy who watched the night with Yan Huan said.

He is the apprentice of Imperial Physician Qin, and his father and Imperial Physician Qin are cousins, so he entered the palace through the back door and became the apprentice of Imperial Physician Qin.

Judging by Qin Tang's appearance, he is only about ten years old, but he is very mature in his handling of things.

"I haven't seen you before, which imperial physician's apprentice are you? Are you new here?"

Qin Tangzai looked at her carefully for a while, and made sure he hadn't seen her.

Yan Huan played with the small pot in his hand in boredom, and said in a sullen tone, "I just entered the palace today, and I am Bian Que's apprentice."

"Bian Que? Bian... Bian Que?!"

The first sound was unremarkable, full of doubts, and the second sound was shouted at the top of the voice!

Qin Tang quickly covered her mouth in fright, stared at the door, and her tongue tied in fright.

"You, is your master asleep?"

Yan Huan gave him a puzzled look, "What are you so afraid of doing, my master doesn't eat people."

Qin Tang rubbed his arms, shrinking his neck in fear, "Don't eat people? He's scarier than cannibals!"

It seems to smell a little bit of gossip...

Yan Huan approached with a small stool, mysteriously, "Hey, hey, why is my master so scary? Tell me about it!"

Qin Tang frowned, looking like a young adult, "Academicians never accept apprentices, and I have never seen you in the palace. Hey, whose daughter are you?"

Hearing the tone of voice, Qin Tang must have thought that she was a high-ranking official from some noble family, a young lady who forced her in with a relationship, and the relationship was very strong.

Yan Huan also had a stern face, and said, "You tell me about my master first, and then I will tell you how I became my master's apprentice."

Qin Tang swallowed with difficulty, the curious light in his eyes dimmed suddenly, and he turned his head to start serious reading of medical books with fear in his heart.

Is Bian Que so scary?

Yan Huan moved closer again, "Hey! My master is asleep, so just tell me, I won't tell him!"

Qin Tang hurriedly moved his stool to the side and shook his head, "I only know that the academician never accepts apprentices, and he doesn't like to interact with people. You are lucky to be the first apprentice of the academician. .”

Yan Huan rolled his eyes, thinking he was lucky to have such a cold-blooded master!

She wanted to ask Qin Tang again why Bian Que was so scary. Qin Tang rolled up the book and jumped off the chair, and read in the room, but he didn't talk to her anymore.

Hearing Bian Que's name, he was so frightened, Bian Que's reputation in the palace is really bad.

No one talked to her, and she couldn't read the book. After a while, she felt sleepy. She supported her head and dozed off while the chicken pecked at the rice.

"Hey! You can't sleep! If you are found and tell the academician, you will be finished tomorrow!"

Yan Huan simply fell asleep with his arms on his pillow, Qin Tang anxiously wanted to wake her up, when he heard the door creak open.

The visitor put down the snow-colored veil and raised his eyes to look over. Qin Tang turned his head and saw him, and immediately acted like a ghost, so frightened that he almost passed out!
 I want to add more, but there are a lot of p things every day

  Whoa T﹏T
(End of this chapter)

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