Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1162 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1162 Chang'an is gone, long miss (16)

What the hell, how to say who will come who?

Qin Tang was so frightened that his head was covered with cold sweat, he stammered and bowed to salute, "Master, Academician, good evening, Mr. Academician..."

After greeting Qin Tang, she wanted to bite off her tongue!

Good evening, what's the matter, it's already midnight!

Qin Tang sneaked a glance at Bian Que, and found that his focus was not on himself at all, but looking indifferently at Cai Wenji, who was sleeping soundly.

Qin Tang silently mourned for Cai Wenji in her heart.

Seeing the academician slowly approaching the desk table, Qin Tang cried out inwardly, and sweated for Cai Wenji. Unexpectedly, the academician only stared at Cai Wenji's sleeping face for a while, and didn't wake her up. He didn't punish her and left again.

This picture is even scarier than seeing a ghost in broad daylight!
Qin Tang stared in disbelief as the academician left. If it wasn't for that face that was so enchanting and unparalleled in the world, he really would have doubted whether the academician was a fake.

Isn't the time already past?Why did the academician come to check the post in person? !
Qin Tang supported her forehead, Cai Wenji was finished, she was the academician's apprentice, she was caught by the academician for being lazy!
Tomorrow he will ask the master not to assign him to watch the night with Cai Wenji again, and he will be checked by the academician at night, it is really terrible!

Standing at the door of the room, Bian Que slowly washed his hands with the medicine juice, his eyes became softer through the warm light from the tulle.

I had already undressed and went to bed, but thinking that the little girl had just arrived in a strange environment and was frightened again in the imperial study at night, it seemed too harsh to ask her to go to watch the night.

Bian Que's work and rest schedule is outrageous, he wakes up at the hour of the day and rests at the hour of the day, unless called by His Majesty, even the Queen and Prince, he will not get up.

But lying on the bed tonight, two quarters have passed, but he couldn't fall asleep anyway.

In his mind, he thought that Cai Wenji's face turned pale with fright when she was in the imperial study, and now that she went to watch at night, she was afraid that she would cry because of homesickness.

The child is very curious, so it is normal to ask that question. Anyway, she has been frightened, and it is already midnight. Call her back to sleep.

So Bian Que put on his outer clothes in such a strange way, and for the first time in his life, he got up and went out after midnight.

Unexpectedly, the little girl was sleeping soundly on the table.



The next morning.

At [-] o'clock, the night vigil ended, and when the guards came over, they saw Qin Tang with dark circles under his eyes, and another little girl whom he didn't know, drooling from sleep.

The little apprentice brought by Imperial Physician Mo covered his mouth and snickered, Imperial Physician Mo's face turned dark, and he knocked on the table with an unhappy tone.

"I asked you to come to watch the night to let you come to sleep?"

Yan Huan woke up from her sleep, raised her head suddenly, only heard a slight "click", her neck was so stiff that she couldn't move!

She had a painful expression, gasped for air in pain, and kept this weird posture without daring to move.

"You're new here, right? You don't know the rules!"

Imperial Physician Mo is recognized by the entire imperial hospital as the strictest and most disciplined imperial physician, and his degree of deterrence is second only to Bian Que.

Bian Que is not harsh, but scary.

You don't need to look at him, even if he just passes by, the cold all over his body can freeze the hairs on his back, trembling.

It's such a pity that with that monstrous and seductive appearance, how could anyone dare to get close to him?

Doctor Mo snorted coldly, and ordered, "Qin Tang, take her to copy the rules of the Imperial Hospital!"

 Thank you Yulan Baisen emm for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Feng Jiuqing for rewarding 400 book coins~

  Thank you for the 100th anniversary of Orange Sea Rampant ^ Reward [-] book coins~

  Thank you Bookworm vs Riceworm for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Yun Hua [Big Attack] 10000 Book Coin Award! ! !

  [Good evening, today's serving (1/1)]

(End of this chapter)

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