Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1165 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1165 Chang'an is gone, long miss (19)

Yan Huan went from the golden sun in the daytime to the bright stars and moon.

God knows how hard it is to memorize this illogical, messy rule?

Memorize the previous sentence and forget the next sentence, and sometimes forget the next sentence after memorizing the previous sentence.

After taking a bath, Bian Que opened the curtain on the side, and saw Yan Huan lying on the soft couch in a large font, babbling with a book rolled up, reading the rules of the courtyard inadvertently.

Reciting a book has a bad posture and a bad mentality.

Bian Que stood by the door and coughed lightly, Yan Huan sat up, pouted, about to cry.

"Master! I really can't recite it..."

Bian Que was silent for a while, and then said lightly, "Aren't you a goddess?"

Yan Huan drooped his head, "You're saying it's spreading rumors, I'm not a goddess at all..."

Bian Que gave her a cold look, and sat on the chair opposite the soft couch.

His black hair was scattered behind his head, his face was cold, his eyes were moist, and his body smelled of fresh herbs after bathing, which smelled very good.

"Master, you can ask me to memorize medical books, but I really can't remember these boring rules."

Yan Huan sat up from the soft couch, patted his chest and promised, "Master, you don't have to worry about me getting into trouble again. I will definitely talk less in front of outsiders in the future. Even if I have to talk, I will definitely go through it in my head!"

Bian Que curved his lips, even though there was only a slight curvature, he still smiled after all.

"Then you recite "Common Pathological Diseases in Spring and Summer" for me."

It's easy!

Yan Huan recited more than a dozen chapters like flowing clouds and water, without the slightest lag in the whole process, Bian Que, who was always cold-faced, had a little appreciation in his eyes.

Satisfied, he stood up and blocked the light stand behind him. Against the light, his brows were unbelievably handsome, and he looked like a celestial being.

"From tomorrow morning, I will take you to the herb garden to recognize the herbs. You must remember the growth habits of the herbs, and there must be no mistakes."

"Hey! Master!"

Yan Huan stood up, pointed to the soft couch next to him, and said obediently, "Should I just sleep here at night?"

Bian Que raised his eyebrows, "What?"

Yan Huan lowered his head and wrung his fingers, "The soft couch is a little narrow, I'm will roll down when I fall asleep at night..."

Bian Que looked coldly at the soft couch, which was wide enough for two Cai Wenji to sleep, and long enough for an adult to sleep.

Yan Huan thought that he thought he was picky, so she hurriedly explained, "I tend to move a lot when I sleep at night, and I might fall off when I turn over."

"I only have one bed here. It's already late tonight. I'll ask someone from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send you another bed tomorrow morning."

He lifted his foot out of the side room, Yan Huan chased and grabbed the door frame, grinning, "Master! When can we leave the palace!"

Chattering non-stop, Bian Que frowned in boredom, and looked back at her, "What do you want to do outside the palace?"

Of course, Yan Huan cannot be said to be looking for her distant relatives.

"I just want to go shopping on Chang'an Street. My mother said that the capital city is much bigger than Zhili Town. I think... there must be many interesting and delicious things..."

Anyway, she is a child, and it is understandable that she is curious and lively.

"When the imperial hospital goes out to purchase, you can only leave the palace with a token. You have to come back before the gate of the palace is locked in Xushi. You are still young, and you can go out to purchase after you wait."

After Jiji?That is 14 years old, and six years to wait?

God knows whether that distant relative will still live in Chang'an six years later!


Bian Que interrupted her indifferently.

"It's almost time, I'm going to bed."

(End of this chapter)

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