Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1166 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1166 Chang'an is gone, long miss (20)

【Worried about Qi. Add more~】

What will happen if you don't sleep for a while...

Yan Huan grabbed the door frame and called obediently to the main room, "Master, when will you leave the palace to make purchases? Can you take me to see the excitement?"

Bian Que didn't answer her, but just blew out the candles and put down the curtains.

Yan Huan:. . .

She sleeps on time better than anyone else, and Bian Que really knows how to maintain health better than women.

Ask Bian Que tomorrow...

Yan Huan rolled up the thin blanket and shook his head solemnly.

Forget it, Bian Que is not easy to talk to, so why not ask Qin Tang, if it doesn’t work, there are so many people in the hospital, find someone who is a little older and ask them to bring themselves when they go out to buy things .

No matter who it is, it is easier to talk than Bian Que.

She tossed and turned, feeling more and more that she and Bian Que were very different, and it was difficult to get along normally, let alone flirting with him, he might directly kill him.

late at night.

Occasionally, there were birds passing by the branches, and the leaves rustled twice, and the surroundings were very quiet.


With an untimely muffled sound, Bian Que woke up from his sleep.

It was the voice from the left side.

He remembered what Cai Wenji said before going to bed, that she likes to roll around in her sleep at night, and would fall to the ground when she turned over. Could it be the sound of her falling to the ground just now?
This little girl, twittering during the day does not make people quiet, and sleeping at night does not make people feel at ease.

After waiting for a while, I didn't hear any movement from the side room. Although Bian Que was dissatisfied, he got out of bed and went to the side room to check the situation.

Sure enough, beside the soft couch in the side room, the moonlight was bright and cold, and the little girl was lying motionless on the ground in her pajamas.

She fell off the soft couch without waking up, and was still sound asleep. Should she be said to be big-hearted or dull?
Bian Que frowned and sighed, she slept so sweetly, it would be a little unreasonable to wake her up.

He took out a brand new thin blanket from the closet, put it on his arm, and hugged Yan Huan carefully through the thin blanket.

Really light, almost no weight, easy to hold.

Her immature and white face, her curly eyelashes resting on her eyelids like two butterflies, during the day her eyes are lively, spooky and cute, if only she could be quieter.

Bian Que picked her up and wanted to put her back on the soft couch. In his sleep, Yan Huan felt that someone was hugging him, thinking that he was in Zhili Town, he wrapped his arms around Bian Que's neck and rubbed against his chest in a daze, With a soft voice, "Mother..."

her hands!He hugged it around his neck!
When the skin touched, Bian Que's whole body tensed up!

It was like being frozen in place, stiff and unable to move, and it was like tens of thousands of ants were crawling on my body, feeling uncomfortable and at a loss.

The culprit was still sleeping with his head buried in his chest, his chest was burning hot, and Bian Que dropped Yan Huan like an electric shock!

She fell back onto the couch again.

Yan Huan muttered a few vague words, turned over to face the wall and continued to sleep, Bian Que's heartbeat was completely out of order!
He had never been in such close contact with a woman, let alone skin-to-skin.

But now he was hugged by this little girl in a daze!

His face flushed, and it was hard to hide his blush under the moonlight, and he could feel the heat on his face.

Bian Que stared blankly at Yan Huan's face from the side for a long time, he didn't know how he got back, and lay on the bed again, his mood was still very chaotic and irritable.

Originally, the heart lake was calm, but now because of her, it was surging.

 Yan Huan: You may not believe me when I tell you. I hugged him in a daze when I was eight years old, and later he became my husband.
(End of this chapter)

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