Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1184 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1184 Chang'an is gone, long miss (38)

That afternoon, the wrinkled father-in-law came again.

Yan Huan really suspected that he was too busy to do anything.

"Your Majesty means that the girl is about to age, and if she lives with the academician again, she may invite people to gossip."

Pooh!In the entire palace, who dares to gossip about Bian Que?

Aren't you afraid of being poisoned to death inexplicably while eating?

"The servant and the master don't live together, the master lives in the master room, and the servant lives in the side room."

The old eunuch waved his hand, "What are you talking about, girl, even if it's not the same room, but it's under the same roof after all, it will affect the girl's reputation..."

Yan Huan held back his face and asked in a good-tempered manner.

"So what does your Majesty mean, let me move to another house to live by myself? But there are no vacant rooms in the hospital anymore."

The old eunuch smiled obscenely.

"Your Majesty means that girls can live in Wanqiu Hall."

Wanqiu Hall?
That is already the palace area where the harem concubines live, where they live!

She is just a little medical girl in the Tai Hospital, she doesn't live in the Tai Hospital, but lives in the harem?
Any fool can see what dirty thoughts the old emperor has!
Yan Huan's breathing was unsteady, his face was gloomy, and he pulled out an awkward and stiff smile.

"Wanqiu Palace... I'm afraid it doesn't conform to the rules, is it not in line with etiquette? The servants definitely dare not live in Wanqiu Palace."

Ugly people do mischief a lot, so if you have this time, you might as well go and approve more memorials, always acting like monsters.

The old eunuch smiled, his eyes were cold, "The etiquette is set by His Majesty, and the rules are also set by His Majesty."

It's still the same sentence, the king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die, let alone marrying him.

Speaking of which, becoming the emperor's concubine is something that many people dream of.

Yan Huan's hands trembled angrily, "But Wanqiu Palace is after all..."

"Cai Wenji!"

The old eunuch suppressed his smile, raised his voice, and said contemptuously, "Let me tell you clearly, His Majesty will wait for you to be a concubine after the spring of next year!"

Yan Huan's heart sank suddenly, and his breathing became disordered.

"So don't say it's Wanqiu Palace, just send you to the dragon now..."

He paused for the last word on the bed.

After thinking about it, the old eunuch still coaxed.

"Miss, you can enjoy the blessings. How many people can climb to this concubine position will not be able to climb it in their lifetime. You are the concubine position once you can book it. Your Majesty loves you very much."

A nausea welled up in his stomach, Yan Huan's face turned black, and he gritted his teeth to hold back the redness under his eyes.


How could a person who was half buried in the soil have the nerve to express his distress to a teenage girl?
Don't cry, don't get angry, don't lose your temper.

That's the emperor, the emperor who controls her life, Bian Que's life, and everyone's life in the Imperial Hospital!
Although the emperor is really shameless!

"Miss, tidy up well, there will be a palace maid to pick you up to Wanqiu Palace before dark."

The old eunuch bowed to her and saluted, Yan Huan turned around with red eyes.

"You two stay and help the girl clean up."

The old eunuch left two eyeliners before he left.

Yan Huan obediently went back to the side room to pack her things, because Bian Que's obsession with cleanliness was well known in the palace, the two maids did not enter the room, but waited for her at the door.

Bian Que has been missing since he left at noon in the morning.

Yan Huan felt a pang of sadness in his heart.

Bian Que was afraid that he would beg him and embarrass him, so he hid, right?

They are mentors and apprentices, and there has always been only a relationship between teaching and being taught.

If anything else, nothing else.

 Thanks to Datura Noir for rewarding 200 book coins~

  Thank you for your orange cat. Reward 999 book coins~

  [Fall down! 】

(End of this chapter)

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