Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1185 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1185 Chang'an is gone, long miss (39)

If there were no people watching her outside the door, Yan Huan really wanted to cry.

But she can't cry, living in Wanqiu Palace, she can't even show her displeasure.

My heart felt like a heavy heavy stone was pressed, and it was so stuffy and painful.

Yan Huan didn't know how he got out of the room.

She didn't look back at the room behind her again.

Since you can't stay, don't miss it.

In fact, if Bian Que disagreed with her moving to Wanqiu Palace, she would just pretend to be sick, pretend to be crazy, pretend to be stupid, and would fight to the death or life.

However, he agreed.

Obviously you prepared for him to go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire, but he said, no need.

The little palace maid kindly reminded her, "You don't need to bring mattresses and mattresses, the palace of Wanqiu has already prepared the best ones there."

She shook her head stubbornly, "No, I want to take it."

She wants to arrange Wanqiu Hall into exactly the same side rooms.

Although, the person living next door is no longer Bian Que.

Bian Que stayed in the herb garden for most of the day.

Escape is often a way to relax temporarily, but not forever.

Eternal escape, only death.

He still couldn't figure out what kind of emotion he had towards Cai Wenji.

dislike?But he was watching her and taking care of her all the time.

Master-student love?He has an unusual possessiveness towards Cai Wenji.

Can you say you like it?Bian Que couldn't believe it, the age gap between them was too big, so it must not be the love between men and women.

When he returned to the Tai Hospital, he realized that the atmosphere today was a bit weird.

After searching around, he didn't find Cai Wenji. He opened the door and entered his bedroom. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the curtain on the side was drawn.

"Wen Ji?"

No one answered.

He looked inside, and was surprised to find that the wardrobe door was wide open, and there was no clothes inside, the dressing table was empty, and even the bedding on the bed was gone.

He thought of His Majesty's personal eunuch who was surprised that Cai Wenji was still living with him in the morning, and his heart felt as if he had been pinched hard by something.

So quickly, let Cai Wenji move away?

Bian Que was a little lost, so he came out to stop a little doctor.

"Do you know where Cai Wenji moved?"

When the little doctor saw the bloodshot eyes in Bian Que's eyes, he stuttered in fright.

"Before, before a stick of incense, I, I saw a few maids...take Sister Wen Ji away."

"Do you know where you took it?"

With such a sinister tone, the little doctor was so frightened that he was about to cry.

"I don't know, I only know that in the afternoon, the father-in-law next to His Majesty came to see Sister Wenji again..."

Bian Que sneered with his curved lips.

Seeing that he didn't ask any more questions, the little doctor ran away as fast as he could.

The emperor was worried that Cai Wenji was by his side, so he had to keep it by his side.

The person he had taken care of for so many years was suddenly snatched away by others.

Bian Que shook his head, smiled coldly, turned around and walked back to the room a little vainly.

Still couldn't keep her.

He stood at the side door for a long time before walking in.

When Cai Wenji moved in at the age of eight, she loved to litter things and was often punished by him.

In fact, every time he was punished to kneel, he only punished half of it. Seeing the pitiful look of the little girl dozing off, he would soften his heart and let her go back to sleep.

Probably the punishment was not enough, and it failed to make her remember long, so until now her side room is not in order.

But today, it's extraordinarily clean.

Because those things that belonged to her, together with her person, have left.

 Today, the animation of the master of the magic way is online!
  After eating the dream, I want to make a phone call for Wang Xian (/≧▽≦)/
(End of this chapter)

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