Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 119 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 119 Not the Ake in your memory (17)

The Anzu's plans are always meticulous, and the preliminary arrangements make it impossible to pick out any doubts.

Yan Huan's new identity this time is a village girl in an unremarkable small village outside the capital of Chu State.

She is still a little village girl whose father does not love her mother and wants to sell her to a brothel.

In the dark and narrow room, there was a damp earthy smell, and there were bold mice squeaking in the corner. Yan Huan sat on the bed, hugged the moldy quilt, and stared blankly in the dark.

Outside, her "parents" were bargaining with the traffickers, and finally sold Yan Huan to the traffickers for a high price of two taels of silver.

When the traffickers came in, Yan Huan trembled symbolically a few times, his eyes were full of fear.

The human trafficker was a middle-aged woman with naked eyes. When she saw Yan Huan, she nodded in satisfaction, "This appearance is worth two taels of silver."

The two thin men standing next to him came over with hemp rope and rough cloth to tie Yan Huan. Yan Huan put on a show, struggled and resisted, and even scratched the back of one of the thin men's hands!

"No! I don't want to go to that dirty place!"

She screamed hysterically, and tears flowed out, it was really hard for people to see any flaws!
The woman smiled meaningfully, "Dirty place? Heh! Girl, that is a golden cave! With your appearance, you will be rich and honored in the future!"

She gave an impatient look, and the two thin men held down the struggling Yan Huan, stuffed the coarse cloth into her mouth, and dragged her to the carriage outside.

The small village is only two or three days away from the capital of Chu Kingdom. Along the way, Yan cried, ran away, was threatened and intimidated, and after being slapped again, he behaved.

She behaved no differently from the other girls who were sold. She resisted at the beginning and finally resigned to her fate, so the shrewd traffickers did not doubt whether there was a problem with her identity.

The carriage passed the city gate smoothly, and the guards at the city gate probably knew them well, knowing that they were human traffickers, they still let them in.

Among the Seven Kingdoms, the capital of the Chu Kingdom is the most heavily guarded, and Yan Huan easily sneaked in without any pressure.

Brothel life, start!


Yan Huan usually behaves submissively, playing the piano and dancing, she learns very seriously.

The place where she is located is the most prosperous brothel in the capital of the Chu Kingdom, and the name is actually somewhat elegant, it is called Wanlai Yuxue Pavilion.

Yan Huan waited for several days, but did not wait for the legendary Minister of Rites of Chu State.

Could it be that this person has changed his sex and is not lustful?
She was stroking the pipa, her bare hands were slender, her eyebrows were drooping, her long eyelashes concealed the deep thinking in her eyes, Yan Huan was seriously playing the newly learned pipa.

The door was pushed open with a creak, and Gui Nu lowered his head, and said respectfully, "Miss Roulan, the guest officer in Tianzi No. [-] room asked you to go over and play the pipa."

Yan Huan nodded, and left the room holding the pipa.

The men who came to the brothel were all very curious about the newcomers, so many of them asked her to play the pipa these days.

It's just that I haven't seen the Minister of Rites.

Yan Huan knocked on the door and entered Tianzi No. [-] room, lowered his eyebrows the whole time, saluted everyone calmly, and sat behind the bead curtain.

"I don't know what song you guys want to hear?"

Her voice is like broken jade hitting ice, clear and pleasant, and has the unique softness of Jiangnan people. I have never seen her face. This voice alone is enough to make people want to see it even more. The woman behind the bead curtain , What will it look like.

 Thank you Joe.Reward 496 book coins~

  Dear little cutie!
(End of this chapter)

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