Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 120 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 120 Not the Ake in your memory (18)

"I don't like those bland tunes, um..."

The short and fat man stroked his half beard, smiled lewdly, "I'm going to talk to you about the dirty stuff."

Thousands of beasts gallop past Yan Huan's heart...

Meat tune?
Listening to songs must listen to yellow.

Would you like me to put some chicken drumsticks on the pipa for you!
Is it meaty enough?

Yan Huan said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Lord, Roulan is a newcomer, and I haven't learned such a tune yet."

The chunky man smiled more obscenely, "Haha, come into my arms, and I will teach you how to play!"

Yan Huan really wanted to take out his bayonet and immediately chop this shameless old man into mincemeat!

The murderous intent appeared in her eyes, showing fierceness, the veins in the hand holding the pipa bulged, and Yan Huan tried hard to control the anger in his heart!
I'm here to do a mission, so don't be so impulsive!

She took a few deep breaths, calmed down her emotions, and said with a smile in her ambiguous voice, coquettish and helpless, "I sit on the lap of the master, how can I play the pipa?"

Hearing this, the chunky man felt itchy in his heart, and stretched his neck to look at Yan Huan behind the bead curtain.

Yan Huan almost felt nauseous in his heart, so he quickly said, "Then I will play a newly learned piece for you guys, Three Plum Blossoms."

There was no objection from the crowd, Yan Huan plucked the strings a few times, and began to play seriously.

The men outside the bead curtain were listening to the little song, drinking and chatting. As an assassin, Yan Huan's hearing was more sensitive than ordinary people, so when he heard the word "Shangshu", his eyes lit up immediately!

Is it the Minister of Rites?

The people outside were still chatting in low voices, Yan Huan's heart almost flew out, and he wanted to rush out to see if the Minister of Rites was there!

She has seen the portrait of that person, looking forward to meeting him every day, and has almost engraved that person's appearance on her heart!
Yan Huan's hand that plucked the strings didn't stop, and the fingers that vibrated the strings were itchy, as if she was full of anticipation and eager to try!

Because she used too much force, one of the fragile strings broke!

This sudden sound sounded, and the people outside the bead curtain were a little unresponsive.

The opportunity is just right!

Yan Huan rolled his eyes, hugged the pipa and hurriedly opened the bead curtain, and knelt down in front of the men without hesitation.

"Damn it, I accidentally broke the strings."

Her voice trembled with fear, and her delicate body also trembled twice.

If you broke the strings in front of a nobleman, if you made the other party unhappy, it would not be an exaggeration to beat you to death.

Brothel women are also lowly slaves, so it is normal for Yan Huan to be afraid.

She knelt on the ground, clutching the blanket with intricate patterns, waiting for the moment when she raised her head.

Yan Huan rushed out just to see if there was the Minister of Rites inside.

"It's okay."

The deep male voice is resonant.

No one asked her to get up, Yan Huan knelt on the ground but did not dare to move.

Such a delicate beauty knelt on the ground, and the short and fat man felt sorry for her, and said distressedly, "Get up, Lord Shang Shu said it's okay."

The other person next to him gave him a wink, signaling him not to mention Master Shangshu directly, the short and fat man hurriedly helped Yan Huan up, and changed the subject to ask something else.

Yan Huan clasped his hand, got up slowly, and secretly glanced at the man who just spoke, as expected!

It's the person in the picture!
It is the Minister of Rites of Chu State!
(End of this chapter)

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