Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 121 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 121 Not the Ake in your memory (19)

Yan Huan just glanced at it, and his heart immediately became turbulent!

Excitement, surprise, suppressed excitement and tension, like a layer upon layer of waves, want to drown her!

Finally waited!
She clenched her hands that were hidden in her wide sleeves, but there was no extra expression on her face except for being submissive.

"Slave resigns."

When he came to Yuxue Pavilion late and made a mistake when serving guests like Yan Huan, he is not qualified to continue serving.

Unexpectedly, the Minister of the Ministry of Rites knocked on the table, a little interest flashed in his eyes, and he said lightly, "Leave it, your pipa is very suitable for me."

That sentence was to my liking, deliberately protracted, with a little bit of ambiguity.

Yan Huan nodded, secretly pleased, and silently sat back behind the bead curtain.

It seems that the Minister of Rites has something interesting for her.

Yan Huan asked someone to bring in a new pipa, and this time changed to a more soothing tune.

Through the bead curtain, one can see her slightly blurred side face, her vermilion lips are half pursed, her brows and eyes are like blue daisies from distant mountains, and her watery eyes are clear and moving.

Such an ethereal and fairy-like woman, to be able to meet in a place like a brothel, is really like a pure lotus that emerges from the mud and is not stained.

Gu Ningyuan pursed his lips, suppressed the playfulness in his eyes, and chatted with the short and fat man with the wine glass attached.

Yan Huan played the pipa absent-mindedly, his head was still stuck in the moment when he raised his head and peeked at Gu Ningyuan, Minister of Chu.

She thought that a middle-aged man in his 30s would be the kind of fat head, big ears, big arms, round waist, ugly and lecherous, but Gu Ningyuan...

A pair of eagle eyes, wise and sharp, when he looks at you, it is like a knife, which can easily dissect into your heart.

His facial features are tough and handsome, and his stature is tall. The years have only added a little maturity to him. If he is placed in a crowd, he can still attract a wave of fans.

How could such a decent-looking man be so lustful?

It doesn't look like it!
The tunes were played one after another, the chords were melodious, people were drinking and drinking, and everyone was drunk.

The short and fat man burped loudly, "Hi~ that little beauty, you, you go out first, the man wants to talk about something."

Yan Huan picked up the pipa obediently, and exited with lowered eyebrows, but when going out, he "accidentally" bumped into a flower stand beside him, and the hem of his skirt was torn off, revealing most of his long jade white legs!
She was so frightened that her face turned pale, she hurriedly blocked her exposed legs, and escaped out of the private room.


What should be done, she has done.

I don't know if that lustful Gu Ningyuan will be teased by me.

Gu Ningyuan in the private room looked at the closed door, raised his eyebrows, and his eyes darkened.

The image just now was too deep in his mind, the slender and straight legs, as white as jade, the little girl's panicked expression, flushed cheeks, successfully pleasing him.

"This girl is different from others."

The short and fat man hurriedly agreed with a smile, "I heard from the madam that this is a newcomer, and he is still a baby. If the adults like it, or..."

Gu Ningyuan bowed his head and smiled meaningfully, and turned the wine glass in his hand, but his eyes were clear without any emotion.

"Thank you then."

The chunky man succeeded in flattering, secretly proud of himself.

As soon as the discussion is over, I will go to the madam and buy the girl's first night, no matter how much money I spend, I will buy it!
What's the point of spending some money to make Master Shangshu happy?
 Thank you Nanyu Twilight for rewarding 99 book coins~

  Thank you Aqiao for rewarding 696 book coins~

  Recently, the two little fairies often reward Mengmeng, hug dear~╭(╯ε╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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