Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1197 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1197 Chang'an is gone, long miss (51)

I haven't heard the name Yuan Zhaoji for a long time.

Bian Que sighed, and shook his head weakly, "Zhao Ji got smallpox, and I can't guarantee whether I can cure her."

The old emperor's muddy pupils suddenly dilated, and his voice trembled in fear.

"Yuan Zhaoji... Yuan Zhaoji... She has smallpox and won't live long, so I'm going to die too..."

He muttered some vague words to himself again, his eyes were slack, and he laughed twice inexplicably.

"Goddess wants to take me away? Hahaha, she killed her, why can't I live a few more years? Jealousy, gods are also jealous, don't see me sitting on the throne for a few more years..."

He suddenly grabbed Bian Que's wrist with such force that he made several fingerprints on his wrist.

"Bring Yuan Zhaoji here, hurry up!"

The old emperor's eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted crazily to the door, "Come on! Go and bring Yuan Zhaoji!"

The father-in-law at the door rushed in, "What orders does Your Majesty have?"

The old emperor clutched the bed tightly, his knuckles were blue and white, his staring eyes were bloodshot, and his face was flushed with excitement.

"Yuan Zhaoji! Quick! Bring her!"

The manager's father-in-law looked at Bian Que wonderingly, Bian Que frowned, but the manager's father-in-law still followed the old emperor's intention, turned around and ran out quickly.

"Yuan Zhaoji suffers from smallpox, smallpox is contagious, His Majesty really wants to call Yuan Zhaoji into the Hall of Guanghe? If it infects the princes and princesses..."

The old emperor can't listen to him at all now.

"Yuan Zhaoji is mine, and the Goddess is mine. I will take her away, and she will bless me in the next life and still be able to sit on the throne..."

Bian Que narrowed his eyes, blocking the somewhat bloodthirsty prey in his eyes.

It seems that His Majesty really wants Cai Wenji to be buried.

His crazy desire for power and status has already made him delirious and lost his mind.

Regardless of whether Cai Wenji's smallpox would infect the prince or the important officials in the court, he only wanted to let the goddess die with him.

He promised his master that he would be loyal to His Majesty without any second thoughts.

He also promised Cai Wenji that she would not have to do anything she didn't want to do in the future.

Master is foolish and loyal, he can't be foolish and loyal, he thinks he has done enough to this emperor these years, otherwise with his body, he would have died a few years ago.

Because he stole his life from Lord Yan for so many years, it is absolutely impossible for him to agree to other unreasonable things, especially things related to Cai Wenji.

"Your Majesty, Yuan Zhaoji has arrived!"

The father-in-law of the chief manager rushed in panting, and the two young eunuchs beside him supported Yan Huan, who was pretending to be weak, into the inner room.

The queen in the outer palace saw the red bumps and bleeding spots on Yan Huan's face, and remembered what her eyeliner had reported a few days ago, that the little medical girl had smallpox the day after she moved into Wanqiu Palace.

At that time, she was still secretly rejoicing in her heart, so what if she was favored by His Majesty, isn't it a blessing?
But now, this little doctor girl actually came to Guanghe Hall? !
How reluctant is Your Majesty to see this little medical girl before she dies?
Besides, this little doctor girl has smallpox, which is contagious, and if infected, she will die!

The queen covered her face with her sleeves, frowned and scolded sharply, "Bold! You actually brought a person who had smallpox into Guanghe Hall?!"

smallpox? !
The concubines, princes, and princesses kneeling in the outer hall who were still concentrating on crying, jumped up quickly and retreated to the farthest position from Yan Huan, even when they heard the word smallpox.

 Thank you Lianjiang for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Good afternoon~baji~】

(End of this chapter)

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