Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1198 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1198 Chang'an is gone, long miss (52)

Now Yan Huan's deterrent power is greater than that of the emperor in the inner room.

The queen was afraid that the prince would be infected, so she pulled the prince and pushed him away, "Don't stay here, get out!"

The prince nodded repeatedly, covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve, and escaped out of Guanghe Hall.

The others wanted to stick it on the gate, the farther away from Yan Huan the better, but they didn't dare to leave the Hall of Guanghe rashly without the order of the queen and the prince.

"Yuan Zhaoji, Yuan Zhaoji..."

The old emperor stared straight at Yan Huan, his eyes were crazy, and the staring eyes were a little scary.

Yan Huan was just woken up from the dream, she was still a little dizzy, she didn't know what was going on.

What happened to the old emperor?
Could it be that he slept soundly and suddenly wanted to call her to serve him?

But there are so many people standing in the outer hall, it is impossible to come to watch, right?
She looked at Bian Que who was kneeling on the ground, but Bian Que never looked at her.

"The slave has seen Your Majesty."

She bowed respectfully first, and the manager's father-in-law pushed Yan Huan, "Kneel in front."

Yan Huan looked embarrassed, "Eunuch, you also know that this servant has smallpox, so it's not good to be in the same room with His Majesty, right?"

"That's right! Your Majesty was sick with a dragon body. If the smallpox spreads to Your Majesty, or to the princes and princesses in the outer hall, even if you grow a hundred heads, it won't be enough to chop off!"

The queen winked at the two eunuchs outside the door, "Why don't you drag this medical girl out quickly?"

The old emperor said stubbornly, "No, Yuan Zhaoji, come here!"

Bian Que stood up and sat by the dragon bed, grabbed His Majesty's hand, and persuaded, "Your Majesty, I can understand your thoughts on Cai Wenji, but now she has smallpox and is really dangerous, I hope Your Majesty thinks twice!"

The old emperor stared even harder, "No! I... alone, I want Yuan Zhaoji to..."


His throat seemed to be cut off, and the words he wanted to say got stuck in his throat, and finally he let out a soft sigh like a sigh.

Before he could say the word "burial", he tilted his body, his eyes were closed, and his face was ashen.

"His Majesty?"

The queen who was still staring at Yan Huan just now realized something was wrong behind her, and turned around stiffly to look at the old emperor.

The old emperor on the bed was completely silent, Bian Que was sitting beside the bed, his hands had been folded in his sleeves, and his expression was astonished.

"His Majesty!"

The queen threw herself to the bed, grabbed the old emperor's hand and howled dryly, squeezing a few tears out.

Bian Que stretched out his hand slowly, and touched the old emperor's wrist, his face turned pale. After a long while, he retreated to the bed, knelt down solemnly, with a mournful tone.

"Your Majesty, you are dead!"

The father-in-law in charge cried out while crying, "Your Majesty is dead!"

Under the hundred-step steps of the Outer Hall and the Guanghe Hall, the cries of the crowd were loud, inexplicably inconsistent in this silent night.

Yan Huan was still in shock, his head was like a mess, and he hadn't recovered from it at all.

Just now... Did she misread before she woke up?
The manager's father-in-law and the queen's attention were all on her, and they didn't notice Bian Que, but she clearly saw the silver needle between Bian Que's fingers!
When he walked into the bed and grabbed the emperor's hand, he quickly stabbed the emperor's wrist!

People who don't understand medical science don't know, but Yan Huan knows that that acupuncture point is very important, and a critically ill person who is stabbed at that acupuncture point will die on the spot!

The old emperor died because of being stabbed!

 The old emperor got the boxed lunch, it's perfect
(End of this chapter)

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