Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1199 Chang'an is gone, long miss

Chapter 1199 Chang'an is gone, long miss (53)

The Hall of Guanghe was in chaos. The first emperor passed away, and the new emperor was busy taking over the throne and dealing with funeral matters. Everyone else had their own thoughts.

In this scenario, Yan Huan and Bian Que are the most redundant.

"I'm waiting to retire."

Bian Que saluted the Queen and nodded to Yan Huan. The two were about to leave when the Queen who was about to faint from crying suddenly regained her spirits, "Wait!"

Yan Huan paused, instinctively feeling that something was wrong.

"Smallpox is contagious. In order to prevent more people in the palace from contracting smallpox, this girl... should be put to death."

Her eyes were resentful, there was no sadness at all, it was all fake crying just now.

Yan Huan sighed heavily in his heart, his fate was too much, and he was unlucky. This year is probably the year of Mercury retrograde.

"Back to your mother's words..."

Before she finished speaking, the manager's father-in-law quickly interrupted her.

"Returning to my mother, my mother does not know that this medical girl is not an ordinary medical girl, but a goddess who was widely rumored a few years ago."

His words were flattering, "Goddess bless me Huanxia, ​​don't give me death..."

The queen wiped the tears from her face, laughed mockingly, and stood up from the bed.

"Bless me Huanxia? But your majesty didn't live the same life as the sky. The story of the goddess is just a rumor spread by ignorant people."

She looked at Yan Huan with contempt, jealousy flashed across her face.

For a moment, Yan Huan didn't understand why she was jealous of him. She was a person who was dying of smallpox, why did she rush to kill her?
The Eunuch in Chief was troubled. His Majesty knew that Cai Wenji had smallpox and did not kill her. Instead, he used all kinds of precious medicinal materials to hang her life. Now that the late emperor died, the empress is going to do something to Cai Wenji.

The father-in-law has served the late emperor since he was a child, and he was loyal to the late emperor, he bit the bullet and said again.

"Your Majesty, before Emperor Xian..."


The Queen casually picked up the teacup on the table, wiped the face of the manager's father-in-law, and smashed it against the wall.

"You said it was the first emperor! I ask you, who is in charge of the Huan Xia Dynasty now?! It's my son!"

She stared at Eunuch Chief, "You are so willing to protect this medical girl for the late emperor, right? For the sake of your loyalty, why don't I let you die first and tell you to continue serving the late emperor!"

The atmosphere in the room was extremely oppressive, Yan Huan's heart pounded and his chest hurt, and he tightly clenched his palms.

This queen seems to be crazy. She is determined to kill her. It is useless for her to say anything now.

"Empress, I suddenly remembered something."

Bian Que curved his lips and smiled, his eyes were icy cold.

"My father-in-law, please avoid me first."

The manager's father-in-law left while covering the wound on his face, Yan Huan froze in place, Bian Que didn't let her go, and she didn't know whether to leave or not.

The curtain was lowered, and there was no one outside the door. Bian Que's voice was cold, and the tone was pure doubt.

"The empress just said that the new emperor is your son?"

The queen's face froze, and she snorted coldly, "When the new emperor's biological mother passed away, and the new emperor was adopted to this palace, he is naturally the son of this palace."

Bian Que lowered his eyes and smiled, with a casual tone, "I just remembered... how the new emperor's biological mother passed away. If the new emperor knows the real reason, I am not sure whether he would like to be the mother's son."

He deliberately bit down on the word "to the end", swallowed his words slowly, and his cold voice seemed to be chilling, the queen was stunned in disbelief.

 Thanks to Su Yimo for rewarding 100 book coins~

  【Good evening~ Baji Momo~】

(End of this chapter)

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