Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1251 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1251 Secret love is not painful at all (12)

Yan Huan was shocked!
Her mother was still scolding Han Xin just now, Han Xin is here now?

She looked back quietly, Han Xin was standing on the opposite street, with a smile on his lips, and waved to her.

Away from the people coming and going, from the busy traffic, she seemed to see the tenderness in his eyes.

Yan Huan couldn't help but smile at him with curved lips, her eyebrows and eyes were the same as those engraved in his heart, her smile was so gentle that it melted the heart.


The phone vibrated again.

Yan Huan looked down at his phone, it was a text message from Han Xin.

"Okay, eat slowly, I just passed by and saw a picture of you behind, and wanted to see if it was you."

Yan Huan looked back in surprise, Han Xin had already turned and left.

Even in the crowd, she can recognize Han Xin's back at a glance, clean and slender, always revealing unspeakable loneliness and loneliness.

He is always so stubborn and makes people feel distressed and helpless.

"What are you looking at?"

Ning's mother followed Yan Huan's gaze curiously, but didn't see anything.

Yan Huan turned her head, her voice was flat, "I heard someone calling me just now."

Mother Ning looked back inexplicably, "Who can call you, you must have heard it wrong."

Seeing Yan Huan's sullen expression, she added another sentence.

"I told you, no! You are not allowed to have any more contact with Han Xin! He has been pestering you since elementary school, and you can't get rid of it like brown sugar. ... Forget it, just like him, he can't get into F University."

Before finishing the soup, Yan Huan put down the bowl and chopsticks, and said coldly, "I'm done."

Father Ning hurriedly smiled and smoothed things over, "Let's go when we're done eating, go to a big supermarket and buy everything we need in the dormitory."

Han Xin walked to the front bus stop and waited for the bus.

His heart was full of joy, and the smile on the corner of his lips did not fall.

I took the bus for an hour and a half, just to try my luck near her school, can I have a look at her.

Fortunately, he was lucky, and he really came across it.

He hadn't seen her for more than a month, and his longing for Ning Xiao went from being empty at the beginning to being tormented now, so he couldn't wait to see her, as long as he could see her once.

A lot of people were crowded at the bus stop, the dense crowd was so crowded that it was airtight, and the T-shirt was sweaty and sticky, making people feel flustered.

The bus with No. 301 on was coming slowly. Han Xin glanced sideways at the restaurant in the distance, smiled contentedly, and got on the bus.

The crisp metallic sound of coins being thrown into the coin box, the car was very air-conditioned, and the sweaty T-shirt stuck to the back coldly, making it a bit cold.

There was a young couple embracing each other in the seat in front of them. They were so sweet and crooked. They looked like they should be students of F University.

Han Xin turned on the phone screen, and the screen saver was Ning Xiao sleeping on the table, which he secretly took.

He turned off his phone, lowered his eyes and thought, if he also got into F University, then he and Ning Xiao could be like the couple in the front seat in the future.

But if he went to college, the extra tuition and living expenses meant that his mother would have to ask that scumbag for money again, and he might even be humiliated by that scumbag's wife.

He didn't want to have anything to do with that scumbag anymore, and he didn't want his mother to think about the painful past.

He can rely on himself, he can work to support his mother now, and he can support Ning Xiao in the future.

College life, although it is also what he hopes to live.

 Thank you for being rewarded with 100 book coins for being attacked by the beloved general~

  Thanks for the honor. Reward 300 book coins~

  Thanks to the second dog of the Daydream Alliance [Cheyun Husband] for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Changan for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Yun Hua [Big General Attack] for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Zhu Gusheng ii for rewarding 100 book coins~

  [Good evening~ I rushed over to knock you down! 】

(End of this chapter)

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