Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1252 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1252 Secret love is not painful at all (13)

Ning's father and Ning's mother bought train tickets to leave F city the next afternoon.

Mother Ning gave a lot of instructions before she left, and when she arrived at the train station, she shed tears.

My own daughter has been strict with her since she was a child, but she was raised under my nose, and she has never been allowed to travel far alone.

Now that she has to live alone in this city far away from home for four years, Mother Ning is both worried and reluctant.

"Don't worry, Mom, I will take care of myself and call you often."

Ning's mother and Ning's father looked at her reluctantly at the entrance, Yan Huan was cruel, so she turned around and left first.

On the way back to school by taxi, Yan Huan was still crying in the back seat of the car, and his phone vibrated.

"Where are you now?"

She texted Han Xin back, "In the taxi, I just sent my parents to the train station, and now I'm going back to school."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the gate of your school."

After getting out of the taxi, it was the hottest afternoon, the heat wave hit outside, Yan Huan frowned, held up an umbrella to block the sun, and looked for Han Xin at the school gate.

Han Xin squatted under the camphor tree next to the school gate, holding a plastic bag in his hand.

His hair is a little longer, and the slightly longer bangs are a bit blocking his eyes. When he smiles, he is still so sloppy and naughty, with lazy eyes.

"I brought you dessert from me, it must be different from the one at home."

He waved the plastic bag away from Yan Huan, and Yan Huan took it, "I told you to call you during dinner, what are you doing here so early, you've been waiting here for a long time, you're sweating from the heat."

Han Xin took the handle of the umbrella in her hand and held it up for her, "Isn't it the weekend today? I just have a holiday. Anyway, I'm fine. I'll come to your school and wait for you first."

He took a closer look at Yan Huan's red eye circles, and said in a teasing tone, "Did you cry just now?"

Yan Huan pushed him, "Let's find a place to sit first, it's too hot, I'll show you around the school after dinner, but I don't remember exactly where the school is right now."

Yan Huan entered a milk tea shop in front of the school, and there happened to be an empty seat.

Han Xin ordered two cups of pearl milk tea, leaned on his seat, "I knew you couldn't remember the way, it's okay, if you get lost, ask someone."

What he didn't say was that before Ning Xiao came, he would come to F to visit every weekend, and now he is more familiar with F than Ning Xiao, he knows every road and every building.

Ning Xiao is a road idiot, every time she goes to a strange place, she can't remember the way at all for ten days and a half months.

Since elementary school, every time she went to another school, Ning Xiao followed Han Xin like a little tail, because she didn't know the way home from school.

This time, Han Xin also wanted to remember the way for her in advance, so that if she got lost at school in the future, if she called him, he could teach her how to walk.

When he walked on the university road of F University, he would think that Ning Xiao would also pass by here in the future. When he saw the library, he would think that Ning Xiao would definitely spend time studying in the library. The school's playground is too big, and Ning Xiao will definitely not be able to run around.

"Hey, what are you thinking? You didn't respond twice."

Yan Huan stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes, and Han Xin came back to his senses.

He smiled, his tone indifferent, "I'm thinking, this university ranked number one in the country is indeed better than other schools, and even the gates are built better than other schools."

(End of this chapter)

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