Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1253 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1253 Secret love is not painful at all (14)

He spoke casually, as if he didn't care, Yan Huan felt sore when he heard it.

If Han Xin took the college entrance examination and took the test seriously, F University would not be difficult for him.

In that evening self-study, no one in the class could solve that difficult math problem, but she did it.

At that time, the math teacher also praised her, saying that this question was so difficult that no one in all science classes could solve it.

She looked back at Han Xin at that time, his seat was empty, and he was absent from class again.

Han Xin could have been admitted to F University, which is ranked No. [-] in the country, but he himself didn't want to.

"What would you like to eat tonight?"

Yan Huan drank milk tea, still immersed in the sadness of parting from his parents, lacking in interest, "I can do whatever I want."

Han Xin nodded, "Then eat around your school, I know there is a good restaurant."

Yan Huan found that Han Xin knew her school better than she knew her school.

For example, what delicious shops are nearby, where to pick up the express delivery, when the library opens and when it closes, etc.

During the first season, the restaurants near the school are overcrowded. Students and parents, couples reunited after a long absence, or roommates in the dormitory have dinner together. Han Xin has to book a seat in advance to reserve a seat for them.

Han Xin pushed the menu to Yan Huan, "I saw that your school posted on the bar that this is the best restaurant near your school. Let's see what you want to eat."

Yan Huan pushed the menu back to him, "Look at it, anyway, you know what I like to eat, you know better than me."

"Well, look at you..."

Han Xin ticked off a few dishes on the menu. His hands were much bigger than hers, and they looked good, with well-defined joints, which made people stunned.

He raised his hand and wrote on the top of the menu, "Allergic to seafood, eggs, and green peppers!"

"Waiter, order is ready!"

The busy waiter came over to take the menu, Han Xin did not forget to remind him, "I am allergic to seafood, eggs, and green peppers, please be careful when cooking!"

He always remembers everything clearly and does everything very thoughtfully.

He is right, it is really difficult to find someone who treats himself better than him.

The store door was pushed open, and several boys were noisy, "Waiter, is there any space?"

The waiter bowed apologetically, "Sorry, the store is full."

"Oh, it's full again."

"I just want to eat at a place near the school. Why is this one full, and that one is also full."

"let's go."

Another boy opened the door, "Why don't we go to the CBD (Central Business District) to eat, my treat."

Han Xin will never forget this voice in his life.

He raised his eyes to look at the door, and the boy at the door also looked over, was stunned for two seconds, chuckled, and walked towards him slowly.

"I thought I was seeing the wrong person, but I didn't expect it was really you."

The boy looked down at Han Xin who was sitting there, with an arrogant and contemptuous tone.

"Didn't you not take the college entrance examination? Why are you in F University?"

His eyes fell on Yan Huan, he dragged his voice, and said clearly, "Oh... so I came to F University to see your little Qingmei."

Yan Huan had never seen this boy before, not from her high school.

In City F, Han Xin should have no other acquaintances other than his colleagues at work. This person speaks in a strange way, which makes people upset. From the tone of his voice, he knows that he has a bad relationship with Han Xin, and he doesn't know who he is.

 doing things
(End of this chapter)

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