Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1261 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1261 Secret love is not painful at all (22)

"I just want to hear your answer."

Today she fainted from heatstroke, it was Han Xuzhao who helped her and held her in his arms.

Plus the text message Han Xuzhao sent him in the morning.

"Why do you decide that boys like me can't be around her? How do you know that she won't like boys like me?"

He also didn't know if Ning Xiao would like noble sons like Han Xuzhao.

What kind of answer did she want to get from him by asking this now?
"say something."

Her voice was faint, she recovered after heat stroke, and she was weak and light.

Han Xin's heart was pounding, and he lowered his eyes, not daring to look at the person in front of him.

"Of course it's good for you, I like you, an excellent boy."

There was silence, the long hair on the side of her face was lifted by the air conditioner, Yan Huan raised his hand and tucked the messy hair behind her ears, "I think you are fine."


As if a blow had been hit on his head, he didn't realize what Yan Huan said for a while.

"I said, I think you are quite suitable to fall in love with me."

Han Xin didn't expect that she would say such a thing suddenly. Ning Xiao was always quiet and introverted, she seldom talked and couldn't figure it out.

So he never knew what kind of feelings she had for him.

Han Xin is still a little unbelievable, his nervous back is full of sweat now.

"Why... suddenly..."

He was speechless, and he didn't know what to say at this moment.

Yan Huan's tone was a bit aggressive, "You just need to say, are you suitable or not?"

"If you really want to fall in love, you can actually wait a little longer, you are only a teenager..."

"I've graduated high school, I'm an adult, what am I waiting for?!"

She looked at Han Xin's evasive eyes, and she was out of breath, and spoke firmly.

"You treat me well, you like me, and I like you too. I think we are the most suitable."

Han Xin has been confessed by girls in various ways since he was a child, shy, cowardly, and domineering.

For other girls, he can still tease a few words casually, but for Ning Xiao, he can't say a word now.

Yes, he was kind to Ning Xiao, and he really liked Ning Xiao. He was very sure in his heart that he would always be so kind to her and like him so much.

But...he's not good.

Compared with Ning Xiao's excellence, he was so humble that he was in the dust, even looking at her from the dust seemed to be sacrilege.

Han Xin regretted it more than once. If he had taken the college entrance examination, if he had also been admitted to F University, would he now have the courage to stand in front of Ning Xiao and respond to her, I like you too, and I am willing to be with you together.

No way, he now bears the shameful identity of an illegitimate child and has nothing.

What qualifications does he have to stand with such an excellent Ning Xiao?
Not worthy at all.

Han Xin shook his head and smiled lightly, as if he only took her words as a joke.

"No, we are not suitable, you are suitable for someone better than me."

Yan Huan lowered his eyes, his eyes were a little red, "I know you are excellent."

He just doesn't want to take the road of learning. He has his own difficulties, but because of this external reason, his excellence cannot be denied.

"Han Xin, put my words here. I like you. If you want to promise me after you think you are good enough, it doesn't matter. I can wait."

(End of this chapter)

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