Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1262 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1262 Secret love is not painful at all (23)

late at night.

The roommates slept soundly, Yan Huan was lying on the bed, his mind was clear.

She turned on the screen of the phone, and the chat history stayed at the sentence sent by Han Xin.

"It's a matter of confession, boys should come first."

She replied with one word, "OK."

She finally knew why Han Xin always liked her, but never confessed to her.

He thinks he is not good enough for her, he thinks she is too good and too dazzling, but he is a little rascal who does nothing and has nothing.

It's okay, she can wait.

She waited until she was 30 years old. If Han Xin hadn't confessed to her by then, she could tie Han Xin to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate.

Yan Huan nodded with satisfaction in his heart, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Han Xin couldn't sleep.

He was both excited and guilty.

The excited thing is that Ning Xiao likes him, but the guilty thing is that he feels that he is not worthy of Ning Xiao's liking.

So he has to work harder and match Ning Xiao's liking for him sooner!
Han Xin got out of bed, turned on the desk lamp, and made the analysis report overnight.


Han Xin did what he said. Last time he ate in the cafeteria, he said that after she rested for a few days and recovered, he would accompany her to run a few laps on the playground every night. Tuo Ban coaxed her to go for a run.

Of course, I have to bring her something to eat every time as a reward for running.

Yan Huan doesn't understand what's the point of doing this, after running to lose weight, and then eating a meal of sweet fruit, doesn't that mean he didn't run?

Han Xin looked at her strangely, "Taking you for a run is exercise, not weight loss."

He jogged backwards, the sweat from his forehead trickled down the side of his face, the way he smiled with his lips curled up, it was the first time Yan Huan wanted to describe a boy as sexy.

Han Xin looked at Yan Huan who was tired and out of breath, "Besides, how much flesh do you have all over your body? You still want to lose weight, do you want to get fit?"

Yan Huan only ran one lap, 400 meters, and was so tired that he was in the dark. It can be imagined that Ning Xiao's body is really spoiled and weak.

"No, I need to rest for a while..."

Han Xin turned around and held up one of her arms, "Persist a little longer, stop talking, adjust your breathing, don't exhale quickly, your throat and chest will hurt."

"I'm really, dying, let me sit for a while, just for a while..."

Yan Huan pushed his arm away, and sat down on the grass as if discouraged, staring at him with a pitiful look in his eyes.

Growing up, she didn't like running.

Ning Xiao is a strong person. Once when she ran 800 meters, she was ridiculed by the physical education teacher that others walked faster than her. Since then, she has been even more reluctant to run.

Han Xin sat cross-legged across from her, reluctantly compromised, "Okay, then let's eat some fruit, and then walk around after eating."

Yan Huan silently puts Guoqie into his mouth, and walks around again after eating, pretending not to hear what he said.

She took out her mobile phone to check QQ news, and saw that the class monitor had sent three messages privately chatting with her.

"Ning Xiao, I signed up for your piano show, but the boys also signed up for a piano show."

"After reviewing the programs in the courtyard, they thought you could play a song with that boy, so they merged your two programs into one."

"By the way, that boy is from our class, Han Xuzhao, you can add his QQ from the class group, you two decide what song to play, and just let me know when you decide."

Seeing that her expression was wrong, Han Xin said, "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

 Daily dreaming...

  good night~

(End of this chapter)

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