Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1275 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1275 Secret love is not painful at all (36)

Han Xin got off the taxi, paid the money in a hurry, turned around and searched carefully at the gate of the community, only to see Ning Xiao squatting at the gate of the community.

She shrunk herself into a small ball, her dark padded jacket blended into the night, if she hadn't just said that she was at the gate, Han Xin would not have noticed her even if he came back.

His heart was stabbed hard, and he suffocated in pain.

"Ning Xiao."

He walked over, knelt down and hugged her, feeling that the hug was not tight enough, he pressed her into his arms again, and locked her tightly on his chest.

"sorry Sorry……"

"I know you are very good, you are very good, it's all my fault, I'm just a selfish idiot!"

"I will never let you be wronged again, and I will never make you feel a little bit sad again."

His embrace was extraordinarily warm in the cold wind, she raised her head from his chest, pressed against his lips, and bit her mouth lightly, her eyes were so red that it made people feel distressed.

"The years you owe me, can you repay me in the future?"

"it is good."

He tightened his arms around the person in his arms, and wanted to say a lot, but at the moment it was stuck in his throat, and he could only use a hug to express the complexities and guilt in his heart.

"Shall we go home?"

Yan Huan nodded in his arms, he immediately hugged her, the cold wind was blowing, his arms were the only place she wanted to stay.

The corridor was dark, he carried her and walked steadily, stopped on the sixth floor, he opened the door, but didn't take her in immediately, he coughed twice in embarrassment.

"It's a little messy inside."

Yan Huan glanced at him, "I don't mind."

For a boy who lives alone, it is normal for the room to be messy.

But the moment the light was turned on, Yan Huan froze at the door.

It's not just chaos, it's like...a pig's nest.

All kinds of clothes were messed up on the sofa on the ground, socks were left here and there, and there were several bags of takeaway boxes piled up at the door. The smell of cold food was not pleasant.

With a blushing face, Han Xin hurriedly picked up all the things on the sofa, threw them into the storage box in the corner, and kicked the storage box away by the way.

"Just sit on the sofa for a while."

He didn't know where to put his awkward hands, "Have you not had dinner yet?"

Yan Huan walked around him to see where the kitchen was, "You are busy with your work, let me cook for you."

As soon as the light in the kitchen was turned on, Han Xin raised his hand in embarrassment to cover his face.

Yan Huan's expression was indescribable.

There is nothing in the kitchen, no oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, not even bowls and plates, and there is a thin layer of dust on the edge of the stove.

She turned to him in surprise, "Have you never cooked here?"

"I'm usually busy with work, and I don't know how to cook, so I've never been in the kitchen. Let me... order takeaway for you."

Yan Huan frowned, "For so many days, you must be eating takeaway, right?"

"I eat in the company cafeteria during the day, and sometimes order takeaway at night..."

Yan Huan turned off the light in the kitchen and said nothing. She glanced at his bedroom, and it was also a mess.

A boy with basically zero self-care life still thinks about him taking care of others, he can't even take care of himself well.

She tidied up the clothes on the bed for him, and the person behind him suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist, leaned over and pressed his face against her back, gently rubbing against her.

"Do you still remember the first time you went to my house in junior high school and helped my mother fold clothes together?"

How far away, although I can't remember clearly.

"At that time, I thought you were the most gentle woman in the world except my mother. Since then, I have wanted to marry you."


[It's the beginning of the month!Ask for a wave of monthly tickets~]

(End of this chapter)

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