Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1276 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1276 Secret love is not painful at all (37)

Yan Huan looked back at him, with a cold expression, but a smile in his eyes, "Others are still playing games and basketball in junior high school, you already want to marry a wife?"

The incandescent light was dazzling, and Han Xin could still see that his face was flushed with the light behind his back, and he retorted stiffly, "I was planning ahead!"

In fact, when he was ignorant of the affair, all his thoughts and eyes were on her.

As time passed, he couldn't tell how much he liked her. He only knew that he couldn't leave her and wanted to be with her for the rest of his life.

Yan Huan folded the clothes one by one, her face was as soft as water under the bright white light, she bent her lips and smiled, and teased in a cool tone, "I wanted to marry a wife in junior high school, but I didn't confess my love until college."

Holding it in her heart, if she hadn't vaguely felt that he liked her, maybe she wouldn't have waited for him for so long.

"Han Xin, if I hadn't said it before, would you have never responded to your liking for me? You wouldn't say today that you love me."

The people behind hugged her even tighter, and the beating heartbeat in her chest hit her back, clear and heavy.

"I just think..."

"You don't have to think."

She clasped his hands, which were cold.

"Since I like you, you must be better than others, so good that I just want to hang myself on a tree like you."


Yan Huan picked up a pile of packed clothes and stuffed them into the half-empty closet, "You really have a big heart, you're not afraid that your wife will run away with someone else."

She stopped and turned to look at him again, "I ask you, what would you do if I fell in love with someone else?"

Han Xin raised his eyebrows, "Then I will snatch you back!"

"How to steal?"

"On your way back at night, I will trap you in a sack and drag you back to hide."

"I thought you would say, I wish you happiness."

"But I think you will be happy when you are with me."

He has always been ruffian in the past, but now his tone is taken for granted, there is certainty in his eyes, but also fragility.

He lost a lot of weight, his eyes lost their brilliance, and the tired bloodshot eyes made people feel distressed.

Growing up is often not an easy task.

He wants to grow up quickly, be able to be independent, and be able to protect and take good care of the people in his heart.

Han Xin lowered his head to kiss her, but there was a knock on the door. He blushed and separated from her. He cleared his throat in embarrassment, his eyes flustered, "It should be the delivery."

Yan Huan's expression was unnatural, "I'll get it."

"No, no, I'll get it, you just sit here."

He turned around and left the bedroom. When he was embarrassed, not only his face would turn red, but also the base of his ears would turn red, as cute as a furry animal.

It was almost eight o'clock now, and she was already hungry, but she was also happy to eat with him.

The takeaway Han Xin ordered avoided all the foods she was allergic to, and when he was with him, she was always remembered by him.

"Does your dormitory lock at eleven o'clock?"

Yan Huan took a sip of the soup and nodded.

"Then we'll take you back after eating. From here to your school, it takes about 10 minutes by taxi. You return to the dormitory around 09:30, which is not too late."

Yan Huan pursed her lips, her eyelashes cast shadows, and the light was bright, as if it also illuminated the loneliness that surrounded her.

She spoke with a light tone, "I don't want to go back to the dormitory tonight."


She looked up at him, her pupils shrank, she was a little nervous and a little shy, "Is it okay if I come to live with you all the weekends from now on?"

 There are only two updates today...

  I fell off my bike this afternoon, my right leg and left arm were all broken, and I was typing with one hand...

  In fact, I want to rest for a few days without coding and take care of myself, but... I don't want everyone to wait for nothing, and I don't have full attendance after the update, and I have to support myself with manuscript fees...

  Be so unkind to me on the first day of August ('-ω)
(End of this chapter)

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