Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1277 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1277 Secret love is not painful at all (38)

"What did you say?"

Han Xin frowned, unable to believe what he had just heard.

It's not like Ning Xiao, who has always been aloof, can say such words.

Yan Huan stared straight at him, the blush on his cheeks getting deeper and deeper, "I said, I don't want to go back to the dormitory tonight, and I also want to come to live with you for the next weekend."

She explained again, "I don't like my roommates, and I don't want to stay with them. It's rare to be happy on weekends. I want to be with you."

The roommates in the dormitory isolated her and excluded her.

In fact, Yan Huan didn't feel that she had offended them in any way, and sometimes she would kindly help them bring food from the cafeteria, or bring them hot water.

I didn't do anything that disgusted everyone in the dormitory, but everyone just had a kind of contemptuous hostility towards her inexplicably.

Maybe, because of Han Xuzhao?
She was really a scapegoat. Han Xuzhao showed his favor to her not because he liked her, but because he wanted to trick her away from Han Xin and make Han Xin feel uncomfortable.

Han Xin's tone was stiff, his face was always red, and he was not normal.

"It's fine if you want to stay here, it's you want to tell your roommate?"

University F has a rule that if a roommate loses contact at night without any reason, it must be reported to the counselor.


She hummed softly, took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to the dormitory principal.

Originally, other people in the dormitory didn't like her either. She said that she would go to live with relatives on weekends, and the head of the dormitory returned without saying a word. I understand.

Whether to go to a relative's house or to her boyfriend's house, everyone doesn't care.

"All right."

"Your roommate didn't say anything?"


The atmosphere suddenly became awkward, Han Xin stood up and stuttered, "I, I just have one quilt, I'll buy another one, you eat first, I'll go to the supermarket."

"It's so late, when you get to the supermarket by car, it will be closed."

Han Xin had already put on his shoes at the door, and went out in a panic, "I'll go and have a look. If the door is closed, I'll go to another place to have a look."


When the door was closed, he didn't even look back at her.

Yan Huan tidied up the messy things for him at his home, separated out the unwashed dirty clothes for him, threw some outerwear into the washing machine, and hand-washed the close-fitting ones for him.

God knows how much a boy can live by himself, how he can live in such a mess.

She was drying clothes one by one on the balcony. She washed the clothes in cold water just after that one left, and she still had a dull pain in her lower abdomen.

If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't be too troublesome. I should boil some hot water.


After waiting for nearly two hours, Han Xin came back with a lot of things, and there were a lot of things left at the door.

Yan Huan froze, "Are you bringing the supermarket back?"

His words were breathless, "If you want to live here, you have to buy new things."

Yan Huan threw the clothes back into the basin, and helped him carry things into it, "It's fine to use yours, why do I need to buy so many new ones, I'm not squeamish."

He held her hand, wet and cold, and frowned distressedly, "Just throw the clothes in the washing machine, what kind of clothes do you wash in winter?"

She said as a matter of course, "I live with you all the time, so I have to do something for this family."

Han Xin carried the new quilt he just bought into the bedroom, paused, "Home?"

She nodded, with serious eyebrows and eyes, "Yes, home, our little home."

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  Thanks to Ergouzi of Daydream Alliance for rewarding 100 book coins~

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  Thanks to the heart-beating boy Wang Junkai. Reward 100 book coins~

  Thank you A. Ru for rewarding 688 book coins~

  [Good evening~ Fortunately, the wound is not inflamed hahaha, the scab is a bit painful, but it's not too much of a hindrance~]

(End of this chapter)

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