Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1296 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1296 Secret love is not painful at all (61)

Yan Huan's birthday is a coincidence, this year it happens to be the day before Qixi Festival.

She joked with Han Xin before that he would prepare two gifts in a row, one for birthday and one for Chinese Valentine's Day.

Han Xin also made a strong promise that the two gifts will not be the same, and it will definitely be two surprises.

Because it was not a weekend on her birthday, she and Han Xin couldn't be together all day. Han Xin often worked overtime at work, but he promised to come back early tonight to have dinner with her and celebrate her birthday together.

After Yan Huan got off work, she went to a nearby supermarket to buy ingredients. By the way, she picked up the birthday cake that she ordered at the bakery yesterday, and brought them home with her.

In previous years, Han Xin had always accompanied her on her birthday, and every year he would prepare surprises. In fact, what she wanted most was to have a meal with him, and to sleep with him at night was enough.

A boy in love wants to be romantic, so no matter what he gives, she will always show that she likes and is satisfied.

Yan Huan was preparing dinner in the kitchen when the phone buzzed and vibrated, it was Ning's mother calling.

"Ning Xiao, how did your birthday go? Did you go out for dinner with your colleagues?"

The fish in the pot was about to turn over, but she didn't dare to make any strange noises, so she had to turn off the fire, and went to the balcony to talk to Mother Ning on the phone.

She smiled, "Well, I'll go out for dinner later, and go back to the dormitory to take a shower first."

"Take good care of yourself outside, and be happy for your birthday today. Did you buy a cake?"

"bought it……"

"Well, is that kid Han Xin still in City F?"

"Mom, why are you asking this?"

Mother Ning sighed, "Don't I know about your little thoughts? You have liked Han Xin since high school!"

Yan Huan fell silent, listening to Ning's mother's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Han Xin has grown up now, and he is not the little bastard he used to be. I discussed it with your father. If he really changes the character he used to fool around and treats you well, we..."

Ning's mother's eyes were a little hot, "We agree that you can be together."

Yan Huan couldn't believe it.

"Mom, you..."

Mother Ning was silent for two seconds, her voice was tearful, "Who doesn't want their daughter to be happy and have a good life? I didn't agree before because Han Xin was not promising. Now that he has grown up and is sensible, he is capable of taking care of you. There's no reason to disagree."

The stone that had been pressing on Yan Huan's heart was finally removed today.

She never thought that Mother Ning would give her such a surprise on her birthday.

She was still thinking about how to make her mother change her mind about Han Xin, how to get her parents to agree to her being with Han Xin, but she didn't expect her parents to agree before she even bothered.

Yan Huan's eyes were also a little hot, and her voice was a little choked up, "Mom, thank you, Han Xin is really good, he treats me very well..."

"Okay, don't cry, it's such a happy birthday, go take a shower and go out to eat with your colleagues."

With tears streaming down his face, Yan Huan sucked his nose a few times, "Mom, you worked hard back then."

The night breeze outside the window was gentle, the flower branches on the balcony swayed gently, there were a few stars in the dark sky, and the crescent moon hung in the sky. Yan Huan felt that this was the happiest and happiest birthday she had ever had.

The toughest and most difficult thing to solve is solved.

Yan Huan let out a long sigh of relief, wiped away the tears on his cheeks, and smiled contentedly.

When Han Xin comes back, he must tell him the good news, which must be more pleasant than the surprise he gave himself.

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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