Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1297 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1297 Secret love is not painful at all (62)

The last soup is also ready. At six o'clock, Han Xin should be back.

"Om - hum -"

Yan Huan wiped his hands clean and answered the phone, it was Han Xin calling.

"Are you home soon?"

She was in a good mood, and her happiness could be clearly heard in her words.

Han Xin was silent for two seconds, his voice dry, "I'm sorry, Ning Xiao."

The smile on Yan Huan's face froze, "What's wrong?"

"Originally, the company has already approved me as a leave. Who knows that the client who will make an appointment tomorrow wants to talk about the investment tonight. I have always been in charge of this matter, and there is no way to hand it over to others, or I..."

"It's okay. Since you have something to do, go ahead and do it. I can eat by myself."

Although her tone was gentle, she could still hear some disappointment.

"Forget it, I will push it away and come back to have dinner with you. Your birthday is only once a year. I must accompany you to celebrate."

He said that he has always been responsible for this matter. If this matter was messed up because of having a meal with her, wouldn't all his efforts during this period be in vain?

Yan Huan is not an unreasonable person, she can understand his sudden arrangement at work.

"It's really okay. I can eat it by myself. You can also celebrate my birthday with me when you come back at night. Keep the cake. We can eat together when you come back."

Han Xin over there sighed for a long time, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Yan Huan smiled, "I'm sorry, remember to eat dinner before going to work."

She hung up the phone, looked at the darker night outside the window, and sighed softly.

Forget it, she can eat by herself.

It's just a birthday, and she's not a child, and she needs a lot of people to accompany her. She is alone, and it's not like she doesn't know how to eat.

In an empty home, the dishes on the table were still steaming from the pot, Yan Huan sat at the table and silently poured himself a bowl of soup.

"Om - hum -"

The phone vibrated again, and Yan Huan's disappointed heart suddenly lifted a little bit, with a hint of anticipation.

She thought it would be Han Xin calling and told her that she didn't have to accompany the client tonight, but Han Xuzhao's name was displayed on the screen.

Her voice was muffled and listless, "What's the matter?"

Han Xuzhao over there said angrily, "Of course there's something wrong, why should I call you if there's nothing wrong?"

He thought carefully about Ning Xiao's tone just now, his voice softened a bit, and he said tentatively.

"What's the matter with you? Not happy?"


It's all right again.

"Isn't today your birthday? Isn't it happy to have Han Xin by your side?"

Yan Huan's voice became more muffled, "No, he has to accompany the client tonight and work overtime."

It turned out that the problem was here.

Han Xuzhao said contemptuously on the other end of the phone, "One day I can't make money? I still want to make money today? I really don't know what to think."

"Are you okay? It's okay. I'm hanging up. I'm going to eat."


Han Xuzhao's tone was a little embarrassed, "I... bought you a birthday present. Don't think too much about it. It's just a polite exchange between colleagues. Are you at Han Xin's house now? I'll bring it to you."

When Yan Huan heard about the birthday gift, he wanted to refuse it, but he said it was a polite exchange between colleagues.

"You don't need to trouble me to bring it here, bring it to me when I go to work tomorrow."

Han Xuzhao was speechless, "Tomorrow will not be a birthday present, and I won't come to your house, so you can just go downstairs and get it."

"That's it. I'll call you when I get downstairs. Just come down and get it."

 Thanks to Yun Hua [Big General Attack] for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Liu Wu for rewarding 400 book coins~

  【Good evening, heartfelt】

(End of this chapter)

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