Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1302 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1302 Secret love is not painful at all (67)

Han Xin didn't have the courage to go to her for a long time.

Guilt, regret, heartache.

He was so overwhelmed that he couldn't breathe, and he didn't even have the courage to meet her gaze.

He clenched his fists and lowered his head.

Yan Huan bent his lips, his eyes were red, the bitterness in his heart seemed to be soaked in blood, even the air he breathed was bitter.

The atmosphere condensed, and Han Xuzhao broke the silence between the two.

"Since he's here, you'd better go back to the ward and observe for another day today to see what's going on tomorrow."

He looked back at Han Xin and motioned him to help Yan Huan. Han Xin smiled wryly and shook his head.

Han Xuzhao frowned, with a puzzled expression on his face, he helped Yan Huan back to the ward.

"I'll ask the doctor how many bottles of infusion are needed today."

Han Xuzhao didn't enter the ward, and went directly to the attending doctor's office. Yan Huan took a disposable cup from the cabinet and poured hot water for a drink, and a very soft sentence came from behind him.


She was holding the disposable paper cup, as if trying to hold back something.

"You are busy with work, I understand you."

Han Xin stood there, looking at her slender back, he felt that he was really nothing.

He paused without further explanation, and sat on the sofa in silence for a while, "Are you still not feeling well?"

"It's ready, but I don't have the strength."

"What causes allergies?"

"Egg white, I was negligent."


Everything he said seemed unfamiliar, and there seemed to be something between him and her that couldn't be crossed.

Han Xin pursed his lips, his throat was astringent, he looked deeply at Yan Huan who was leaning on the hospital bed, his eyes lowered, his voice trembled slightly.

"Ning Xiao, happy birthday."

"You want to be happy too."

His eye sockets suddenly turned red, his emotions surged, his heart seemed to be cut by Ling Chi's knife, the pain made him unable to breathe smoothly, as if his throat was strangled.

Han Xin didn't explain where he was, what he did, and who he was with last night.

Later explanations are always hollow.

It doesn't matter how you explain it, the important thing is that when Ning Xiao needed him the most, he was absent again.

"Are you going to practice tomorrow?"


"Then tomorrow night..."


He couldn't speak, he was very afraid of Ning Xiao's answer, it was not the answer he wanted.

"Go shopping and cooking together after get off work in the evening, do you have any other arrangements?"

He looked at her cautiously and tentatively, "Go home and cook?"

The smile on her lips was light and gentle, "What else? Go to a restaurant?"

Han Xin clenched his fists, his palms were full of sweat, his tone was stiff and fragile, "Then I will pick you up from get off work tomorrow."

"it is good."

Han Xuzhao lit a cigarette at the door of the bathroom, the smoke was lingering, and the tobacco was completely ignited. Finally, he handed it to his lips and sucked it, coughing several times.

He rarely smokes.

The friends around him are basically the second generation of rich people, who spend their days drinking and drinking, the devil king of the world, and sometimes get together with messy friends, and he occasionally accepts the cigarettes handed over by others, and takes a few puffs.

In fact, smoking is the same as alcohol. If you want to numb yourself, it depends on whether you are willing to be numb by it.

Sometimes the more you drink, the clearer you become, and the more you smoke, the clearer you become.

Han Xuzhao leaned against the wall with his head bowed, his silhouette was lonely.

No matter what, she likes Han Xin, doesn't she?

For those who don't like him, everything he does and gives will not enter her heart.

It is said that women are soft-hearted, but sometimes he feels that women are hard-hearted and cruel.

 Alas, I like male supporting roles...

(End of this chapter)

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