Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1303 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1303 Secret love is not painful at all (68)

Nothing about that night was ever mentioned again.

Ning Xiao didn't ask, and Han Xin didn't say anything.

Or as usual, the two go to work together, get off work together, and fall asleep together hugging each other.

Han Xin treats her better and better. He sends her to work and picks her up from get off work. Every night, he prepares the meals alone, washes the dishes, mops the floor and does the laundry. All kinds of stews for the body, and the patterns are endless every day.

He was not just kind to her, but a kind of compensation similar to guilt and debt.

In the kitchen, Han Xin was boiling Chinese medicine. The smell of Chinese medicine wafted in through the crack of the door. It was bitter and bitter. She frowned in disgust and went out to the window to breathe.

The brilliant sky, which was clear a few minutes ago, was covered by thick dark clouds drifting from the horizon, making it even hotter and oppressive.

The woman on the sixth floor opposite was holding the child in one hand, and put the other hand out of the window sill to collect the clothes. The child was crying and screaming. She finished collecting the clothes in a hurry, and the downpour immediately fell, and the smell of mud hit her face. Come.

Han Xin went into the bedroom with the medicine bowl in his hand, and saw Yan Huan standing by the window in a daze, her eyes were dull and dull, and thousands of thoughts were piled up in her heart.

She never said it.

He knew that since the incident on her birthday, she was still loving and gentle with him on the surface, but there was still something between them.

She accepts his kindness, chats and jokes with him gently, and will not refuse his intimacy at night, but it is always, always not like before.

She was in a daze more frequently when she was alone, and her thoughts would show from her eyes.

He went over to wrap his arms around her waist, gently rubbing against her shoulder.

"It just rained and it was very hot outside. You can turn on the air conditioner. The Chinese medicine is ready, and the food is almost ready."

"it is good."

The temperature in the room was cool, Yan Huan was covered by the air-conditioning quilt, watching the tragic drama on TV.

The hero and heroine broke up in the heavy rain, and the heroine cried heartbreakingly, watching the hero's car speeding away, splashing a stream of dirty water.

She looked at the date and thought that it would be Qixi Festival again. On Qixi Festival last year, Han Xin and her put up Kongming lanterns together, and her wish had come true.

I hope my parents can agree with Han Xin to be with her.

She never told Han Xin about this.

Sometimes she would like to be a little more stupid, not to think so much, not to see so thoroughly.

Then she can feel happy and at ease because Han Xin treats her so well.

She waited for more than a month, but he still didn't say why he couldn't get in touch that night.

She can pretend to be stupid, she can pretend that she doesn't know anything, and be with him in peace, love, get married, and live a lifetime.

However, the more she forced herself not to think about it, the clearer and deeper it became.

With the sad background music on the TV, the heroine fainted in the heavy rain, and the supporting male partner picked her up and took her to the hospital.

The old-fashioned plot, the male supporting role is always affectionate and good in every way, the audience likes the male supporting role, but the female lead doesn't like it.

Han Xin brought the food into the room one by one, "Come to eat, first drink the soup, which nourishes the blood and nourishes Qi. It's the first time to boil it. Let's see how it tastes and see if there is room for improvement."

Yan Huan sat on the bed and looked at him softly.

"It's almost Qixi Festival."

"Yeah, is there anything you want in particular?"

"Will you give me whatever I want?"

He faintly had a bad premonition, "What's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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