Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1304 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1304 Secret love is not painful at all (69)

Yan Huan lowered his eyes, his face was calm, "I want to hear from you, where were you that night, who were you with, and what did you do that night?"

Han Xin was at a loss for words, his heart beat faster, his lips turned pale, and his eyes instinctively dodged.

She always knew him so well that his lips would turn white when he was nervous.

Her heart is also uncomfortable, she is also nervous, and she is also afraid of what he will say next.

Confess, or continue to escape.

"I drank too much, the company..."

He opened his mouth with difficulty, and he couldn't even speak the following words.

Lied to Ning Xiao, he had never lied to Ning Xiao in all these years.

Her indifferent voice struck his heart, making his heart numb.

"I want to hear the truth."


At this time, she was most afraid of silence.

Silence is to verify all her guesses, she thought, there is still room for reversal.

She would force herself to believe what he said, she was willing to brainwash herself, and she was willing to believe him completely.

What he said was, "Ning Xiao, I'm sorry."

She curled her lips and smiled.

It is only today that I really feel that the most hurtful thing in this world is not that I don't love you, let's break up, I hate you.

but sorry.

I have done a lot of things to be sorry for you, to make you sad and to make your heart hurt.

But I still want you to forgive me, and want to be with you as before.

I stabbed a knife in your heart, and I said to the bleeding wound, get well soon, the scars are formed, the scars are gone, can you forget the injuries you have suffered.

Your scar is healed, forget about the pain.

But you forget how you can live with a stab in the heart, you are already dead, you died when you were stabbed in the heart.

Then you are like a marionette, an ignorant puppet.

Falling in love is just to see who is the first to bind himself with a cocoon.

She bound herself first.

A sorry, cut off all her words.

His sorry means, don't ask again.

Yan Huan bowed her legs, tears fell into the quilt, the air-conditioning chilled her from head to toe, even her heart.

"I'm sorry, there will be no next time. There will never be a next time. I promise you with my life that it was really an accident, Ning Xiao..."

His hands holding her were trembling, and his voice was trembling. She could hear the guilt and remorse, and she could also feel the wetness of tears on her shoulders.


Why can betrayal be said so lightly.

People's hearts are made of flesh, so could it be that her heart is like a fortress of iron and steel, not afraid of injury or pain?
"I know that what I say is useless, and all explanations are excuses to escape, but I promise you that my love for you has never wavered or changed, never!"

He held her tightly, and she couldn't feel the warmth from him anymore.

The wind from the air conditioner was imitating his tone of voice, it was icy cold, so cold that he couldn't breathe.

"Don't break up, okay?"

"Please don't break up, you can do anything to me, Ning Xiao, please don't break up..."

"I really love you."

You see, this person said he loved me very much, but broke my heart over and over again.

His love is like honey mixed with glass slag. You feel the sweetness, but blood has already been cut.

It is not the physical betrayal of a change of heart that makes people more heartbroken.

He loves himself, he definitely didn't intend to betray himself, even she wanted to give that night an unexpected title.

Accident, is an accident.


Principles are nothing before love.

Blind love, love without ego.

 All I can say's not what you think...

  Han Xin didn't cheat... (Spoiler in a low voice)
  Good night……

(End of this chapter)

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