Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1305 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1305 Secret love is not painful at all (70)

This summer has been extraordinarily hot.

The sun was about to set at six o'clock, and the surface temperature was still scorching hot. People who were suppressed by the heat were upset. Yan Huan stood at the door of the company and waited for Han Xin to pick her up from get off work.

Han Xuzhao glanced at Yan Huan, smiled and said hello, "See you tomorrow."


Han Xin is picking her up now, it can be said that he takes care of her meticulously.

But Ning Xiao didn't seem very happy, and she didn't know if they had quarreled after they went back that day, and why Han Xin couldn't get in touch that night.

Han Xuzhao didn't ask. It's not easy for an outsider to inquire too much about the affairs between their lovers.

Han Xin arrived 10 to [-] minutes later than usual. He explained that his words had no confidence, "The company has been delayed for a while."

She pursed her lips lightly, "You can tell me that I can go back by car."

His voice was very soft, "I want to come pick you up."

Now Han Xin is becoming more and more uncertain about what Ning Xiao is thinking.

After she cried bitterly that night, she acted as if nothing had happened, she didn't say breakup, she didn't say she hated him, she was still the same as before.

But he always felt that she seemed to leave at any moment.


The phone vibrated.

It was Yan Huan's text message reminder, she turned it out and took a look, a new courier had arrived, it was in the self-collection cabinet downstairs in the community.

express delivery?
She hasn't bought anything during this time.

Han Xin glanced at the phone she was holding, "What's wrong?"

"The courier has arrived. I'll get it later."

Han Xin was waiting for her, and Yan Huan took the courier from the self-collection cabinet. The things were not big, and they looked like paper or something.

Han Xin panicked for no reason.

"Did you buy something?"

Yan Huan nodded, with a calm face, "Yes."

He took a look at her face, and there was nothing strange about it.

Han Xin was preparing dinner in the kitchen, Yan Huan opened the package, she could probably predict what was inside.

She can ignore it and throw it away as if she never received it.


She seemed to want to give herself a blow in the head, to wake up her blind self-lost love.

Now she and Han Xin are no longer in love, but more in suffering.

It's better to stop, it's better to end it, it's better to tear off the cocoon wrapped around her body and let her be free.

Yan Huan took out what was in the bag, it was a stack of photos.

Different angles, the same two people.

Light||naked, intertwined.

Instantly awakened her numb soul.

She seemed to be able to hear the ambiguous groans||groans|wheezing|gasps that night, the man who kept saying that he loved her and would never let her be hurt or wronged again, hugged another woman and indulged him all night.

An accident, she hated that accident to death.

She was throwing around like a drowning person in the water, waiting for someone to rescue her, but was completely pushed into the deep water by the hand stretched out.

Drowning after struggling unsuccessfully is also a relief.

She clenched the photo in her hand and wept aloud. This relationship was broken in the middle, and it was forced to end halfway through.

She pieced together the broken pieces of the past, telling herself over and over again that they could be as happy as before, and now everything was finally shattered.

He prepared dinner for her in the kitchen, which was her favorite dish.

For so many days, his cautious eyes, tentative hugs, and frail begging her not to break up.

Together, she is the one suffering.

Break up, the pain is him.

She flipped through the photos, and the same sentence was written on the back of each photo.

"Miss Ning, this Saturday, on the 4th floor of Building B, Huaxin Plaza, at the coffee shop in Time, see you soon."

(End of this chapter)

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