Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1306 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1306 Secret love is not painful at all (71)

Han Xin will work overtime this Saturday.

The woman who asked her out probably knew that Han Xin would have to work overtime this Saturday, so she chose this day.

The sun was still strong at four o'clock in the afternoon, Yan Huan entered Building B of Huaxin Plaza with an umbrella.

Yan Huan didn't write the exact time of the meeting behind the photo, Yan Huan smiled sarcastically.

She thought she would come early in the morning, waiting for her late arrival, waiting all day?

Did she think that she couldn't wait to fight her?question?Crying?
Sorry, not interested.

This is not the way to give Mawei, although he looks weak, but he is not easy to bully, brainless, silly and sweet.

In the coffee shop in Time, a woman wearing a wine red V-neck wrap-around hip skirt sat by the window.

Same as the women in the photo, except one is naked and the other is clothed.

When Yan Huan entered the store, the clerk bowed politely, "Hello, who are you?"

She smiled, "There is already a seat."

The woman by the window looked up and touched her eyes, and she also bent her lips and smiled.

"Madam, what would you like to drink?"

Yan Huan spoke indifferently, looking at the seat by the window, "It's the same as that lady's, thank you."

Yan Huan sat across from that woman, who looked older than her, with sophisticated features and shrewd eyes, she looked like an elite in the workplace.

She stirred the coffee in the cup, her voice was lazy and charming, and she said apologetic words without any embarrassment in her tone.

"I'm sorry, Miss Ning, I used this method to ask you out."

Yan Huan bent his lips, "Just say what you want to say, the polite words above don't apply to you and me."

The woman was slightly surprised.

She heard Han Xin talk about his girlfriend, and Han Xin praised Ning Xiao as being unique in the world, gentle and kind.

But that's right, Ning Xiao is not gentle with her now.

"Zheng Xi, your boyfriend's client."

Looking at Yan Huan's calm expression, she wondered why Ning Xiao wasn't angry at all?
At this time, shouldn't Ning Xiao slap her a few times and call her a mistress?

Or, in fact, the relationship between Ning Xiao and Han Xin is not as good as Han Xin said.

Zheng Xi smiled, "I heard that you were sick and went to the hospital, are you okay now? I heard Han Xin's cell phone on the table vibrating all the time, but at that time, how could he be distracted by the phone?" ..."

Her eyes were particularly ambiguous, and Yan Huan was really suffocated in anger.

"Originally, everyone is an adult, and this kind of thing is a little seasoning in life. The past is over, and I don't want to disturb your love, but..."

Yan Huan frowned lightly, "Please get to the point directly."

She was disgusted by the nonsense before.

Zheng Xi raised his eyebrows helplessly, took out a list from his bag and handed it to her.

"I didn't take any measures that night, and I got pregnant unexpectedly. I originally wanted to abort the child, but I just asked the doctor. The doctor said that I am about my age, and I am 32. If the child is aborted, it will be difficult to have a child in the future." Very pregnant."

Zheng Xi stared at Yan Huan's expression, very satisfied to see her pale face.

"Since it can't be destroyed, if the child is born without a father, it's not good for the child, or..."

Zheng Xi smiled sincerely, "I heard that Ms. Ning seems to be infertile, and I don't want to destroy the relationship between you and Han Xin. If you want, this child is born and can be raised by you and Han Xin. I will come and see it occasionally , Han Xin said that Ms. Ning is gentle and kind, I will be very good to the child."

 Hey... I'm really not Calvin, I'm slow in coding (crying)
(End of this chapter)

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