Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1307 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1307 Secret love is not painful at all (72)

"Ma'am, your coffee."

The clerk put the coffee in front of Yan Huan, it smelled bitter, she never actually drank coffee.

Yan Huan calmed down, and said coldly, "That's all you want to say?"

Zheng Xi's face froze slightly, and he smiled ambiguously, "On this matter, I still want to say, um...your boyfriend is doing well."

Yan Huan nodded, picked up the coffee, raised his hand, and poured it on Zheng Xi's head expressionlessly.

"Han Xin said that I am gentle and kind, which is false."

She stood up, her eyes were cold, she looked at Zheng Xi, who was full of coffee, and was stunned on the spot in disbelief.

"Since you can directly say in front of a girl you just met that she is infertile, I don't need to maintain my politeness in front of you."

The clerk watched in horror as the weak and beautiful girl spilled the woman's coffee, and then walked out the door as if nothing had happened.

This girl is amazing!

Yes, it's amazing.

She pretended to be indifferent and powerful, because she wanted to maintain the last bit of aloofness and dignity in front of that woman.

She didn't make any mistakes from the beginning to the end, so why should she endure that woman's cynicism.

After leaving the mall, it was still so hot outside.

She was in tears, not because she was sad, no.

It's ironic that Jung Hee is pregnant.

There are too many bloody dramas in her life, she can feel disgusted, she can find it funny, but there is nothing she can do about it.

Her life is not a TV series. It is not that the hero and heroine go through all the setbacks and misunderstandings, and finally they can clear up the past and get back together.

The venomous sun above made her dizzy for a while, she leaned on the wall and took several deep breaths, people coming and going, unfamiliar faces, no one's expression was as desperate and painful as hers.

Yan Huan would rather faint now.

In fact, she is not strong at all, nor indifferent at all, she just hides her vulnerability in her heart more often, but it doesn't mean she won't be in pain.

She was crying while walking on the bustling street, and the few taxis on the side of the road did not stop to pick up the crying girl.

Passers-by were pointing at her, and they didn't quite understand what happened to her, so they couldn't rush to ask her.

Yan Huan waited on the side of the road for more than 20 minutes before a kind taxi driver picked her up. The driver looked at her pale face and said, "Little girl, do you want to go to the hospital?"

She shook her head, her eyes hurt with tears.

"Where are you going then?"

Her voice had a strong nasal tone after crying, "Go to the Huayuan Community on Ning'ai Road."

The air-conditioning in the car dried the tears on her face. She leaned on the leather seat, watching the rapidly receding scene outside the car window, her eyes sore.

His thoughts were chaotic, for a while he drifted to Han Xin's green brows and eyes in junior high and high school, and for a while he drifted to the present when he was in love with him.

In fact, she can quarrel with Han Xin, quarrel with him, let him take Zheng Xi to have an abortion, and then be more self-willed, let him quit his current job, completely cut off the possibility of contact with Zheng Xi, and they start again in another city .

However, the premise is that after the farce, she will act as if the farce never happened, and she is willing to start over with him.

She doesn't want to.

Yan Huan closed his eyes, and said in a sobbing voice, "Master, go to F University."

The driver slowed down the speed, and looked back at her in surprise, "Little girl, the Huayuan District is just one street ahead, you want to go to F University instead?"

She nodded numbly, "Well, go to F University."

(End of this chapter)

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