Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 131 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 131 Not the Ake in your memory (33)

The smell of alcohol spread in the hall, and the ministers toasted one after another, saying compliments to King Qin who was sitting on the high seat.

Yan Huan lowered her head and remained silent. Plates of delicacies were laid out in front of her, and she had no appetite at all.

After a while, Gao Jianli stood up and toasted, before she secretly glanced at King Qin's face above.

His facial features are handsome, but he is sickly pale, his brows are haggard, his lips are bloodless, his figure is not thin, but his spirit is weak, as if he is holding on to attend this dinner.

Between the outlines, there is a bit of Gu Ningyuan's shadow.

Yan Huan only glanced at him, then lowered his head again.

That face and facial features are completely different from Gu Ningyuan's.

However, there is such a thing as disguise in this era, and the appearance is different, which does not explain anything.

It's just that the sword that Gu Ningyuan hit was stabbed by Gao Jianli himself, so there is no way for him to survive.

Yan Huan was full of preoccupations, and stayed absent-minded the whole time until the end of the banquet.

Outside the hall, the night was already deep, and the rain started to rain again. Gao Jianli and Yan Huan went home holding an umbrella together.

Half of his shoulders were dripping with water, and he stubbornly turned his umbrella to Yan Huan just now, lest she get chilled by the rain.

Although the man was taciturn, he was considerate and considerate.

Yan Huan called someone to bring a bucket of hot water to bathe him, and then asked someone to go to the kitchen to prepare hangover soup, busy in and out, just like a little wife.

Gao Jianli leaned on the soft couch and looked at her with his head propped up. Although his face was not her original face, his eyes belonged to A Ke.

Clear and indifferent.

There was no one in the room, and the sound of raindrops hitting the roof was extremely loud. Yan Huan lowered his voice and spoke out his doubts all night.

"The voice of the new monarch is very similar to a person."

Gao Jianli opened his eyes, and his eyes sharpened instantly, "Huh?"

Yan Huan said uncertainly, "I heard his voice sounds a bit like... Gu Ningyuan."

"Gu Ningyuan, I killed it with my own hands."

Yes, Yan Huan also knows this.

She shook her head, raised her eyebrows indifferently, "Forget it, even if Gu Ningyuan becomes King Qin, it's none of our business."

She helped Gao Jianli, who was a little drunk, to his feet, and took off his coat, "Go and take a hot bath."

Gao Jianli held her hand, with a faint smell of alcohol, his amber eyes were slightly blurred, he rubbed the back of his hand, and his voice was low.

"In the future, can you not mention Gu Ningyuan's name in front of me?"

Yan Huan agreed, "Yes."

Anyway, she didn't want to mention this person.

If he hadn't died, from a weak prince to the new King of Qin, how deep would this man's city be!

Just think about it.

Gao Jianli lowered his head and kissed her lips, and smiled softly, "Good boy."

It looked like a kindergarten teacher who was satisfied with the child's performance and rewarded her with a little red flower.

Yan Huan:-_-||
I'm obviously a high-cold assassin who kills with swords and knives without blinking an eye!

But why...

Inexplicably feeling so good...

Yan Huan blushed and pushed him behind the screen to take a shower.

At this time, the Qin Palace.

The newly enthroned king of Qin, Zhao Yang, was standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back, looking coldly at the rain outside.

His eyes were cold and stern, and he didn't look weak at all.

The autumn wind, wrapped in rain, blows in, it's a little bit cold, just like his heart, without the slightest warmth.

The winner is always alone.

He squeezed the purse embroidered with bluegrass in his hand, and closed his eyes wearily.


 Thank you Chuxi for rewarding 99 book coins ~ kiss ~
  Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone~

  Remember to eat sweet mooncakes tonight, one by one╭(╯ε╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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