Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 132 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 132 Not the Ake in your memory (36)

Yan Huan's eyes were sharp, and he looked at him without fear.

Zhao Yang sneered, "Under the whole world, could it be the land of the king, and the shore of the land, could it be the minister of the king."

He lowered his head and even bit Yan Huan's earlobe, and said in a hoarse voice, "The whole Qin country is lonely, and all women in the country, as long as they want to be lonely, they are lonely."

There was a tingling pain in the earlobe, and Yan Huan felt a little scared in his heart.

Thinking of Gu Ningyuan, I thought of her feeling of despair and powerlessness being pressed on the bed by him.

Can't resist, dare not resist.

Until now, she was still a little afraid of people like Gu Ningyuan.

Yan Huan pulled back her arm vigorously from his hand, and saluted him coldly, "My wife will leave."

With such an interesting little girl, Zhao Yang was really reluctant to just let her go.

He was about to reach out and pull her back when an arrow shot out from the darkness!

With the sound of sharp objects cutting through the air, Zhao Yang reacted quickly and grabbed Yan Huan's waist, and nimbly dodged the hidden arrow!

The little eunuch was surprised too much today, and now he was frightened again, he let go of his voice and shouted sharply without thinking about anything!
"There are assassins!!!!"

"Come and escort!! Escort!!"

I don't know how many people were hiding in the dark, and the whizzing arrows kept shooting towards him. Zhao Yang protected Yan Huan behind him, drew out his saber, and kept chopping down the cold arrows to the ground!
The little eunuch jumped anxiously, wishing he could rush up and make a target for the king to block arrows!
This place is remote, and the guards heard the sound and rushed over, and it may take a while, but the arrows seem to be getting more and more!

Zhao Yang held Yan Huan tightly with one hand, and swung his sword to block the cold arrow with the other. Yan Huan wanted to rush out to help him, but he held him behind him.

"Just wait there, I don't need a woman to save Gu!"

His voice was cold and stern, full of the king's overbearing orders that could not be refused.

In the chaos, one of the several cold arrows shot towards Yan Huan!
Yan Huan dodged nimbly, but Zhao Yang took the first step and grabbed the arrow with his bare hands!

The palm was scratched by the arrow, and the blood flowed out immediately!

The little eunuch was so frightened that he almost fainted, "Come here! Are they all dead?!"

The guards, ministers, and even the female family members who came here to enjoy the flowers and stroll in the garden finally rushed over from all directions!
Only then did Zhao Yang breathe a sigh of relief.

The guards kept Zhao Yang and Yan Huan behind them, some of them rushed to the front to find the assassin, and some of them held long spears and swung down the arrows they had shot at.

The rain of arrows came to an abrupt end, and the guards searched for the assassin, but failed to catch him.

The commander-in-chief of the Royal Forest Army, whose face turned blue and white.

As the commander-in-chief protecting the king, he actually let the king meet an assassin under his nose and was injured!
The guards knelt down one after another, and even the ministers and female relatives on both sides knelt down one after another.

"The minister (the minister's wife) should die!"

Yan Huan, who was behind Zhao Yang, was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and walked out slowly, yelling in a low voice.

"The minister's wife should die!"

Some sharp-eyed people also noticed that this woman came out from behind the king!

When they rushed over, only the king was with this woman!
In such a remote garden, lonely men and widows...

Moreover, the king was injured on his hand, but the woman was unscathed!

Think about it for a while and you'll understand.

Some bold female relatives looked up at Yan Huan secretly.

Isn't this General Hussar, Song Zhouzhi's wife? !
 Well, all the jealousy tomorrow will be contracted by brother Gao Jianli...

(End of this chapter)

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