Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 133 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 133 Not the Ake in your memory (37)

After everyone pleaded guilty, there was a deathly silence.

His Majesty did not say that he would be forgiven, they were still kneeling, their foreheads pressed against the cold ground, and they did not dare to move.

Yan Huan followed the crowd and knelt on the ground without moving.

The imperial doctor hurried over with a look of panic, Zhao Yang's injured hand was still dripping with blood, the old imperial doctor quickly opened the medicine box and bandaged him.

He glanced at Yan Huan who was kneeling under his hand, she lowered her eyebrows, her face was calm, without any emotion.

He was injured trying to save her, but she didn't react at all!

If Yan Huan knew his heart, she would roll her eyes and say: I'm so powerful, I still need your help?
Zhao Yang lowered his face, and said coldly to the crowd, "Be flat."

The people who were kneeling on the ground stood up tremblingly, and they were concerned and blamed again. Zhao Yang waved his hands impatiently, and everyone bowed and left one after another.

Yan Huan also bowed his knees and bowed, "My wife will leave."

Zhao Yang glanced at her, and said lightly, "Madam was also frightened, go to the pavilion over there, let the imperial physician also take a look."

Yan Huan frowned in displeasure, and before he could speak, Gao Jianli, who came from behind, lifted the hem of his robe and knelt down, respectfully, with regret in his words, "I am too late to save you!"

Zhao Yang curled up his lips coldly, stared at Gao Jianli's straight back, his eyes were filled with a cold light, and he smiled half-smile, "Ai Qing came late, she clearly came just in time."

Gao Jianli lowered his head, instinctively feeling his hostility towards him and his interest in A Ke.

He hid the irritability in his eyes, and said neither humble nor overbearing, "I dare not."

The two sides were in a stalemate. Although there was no direct confrontation, the air around here seemed to smell the smell of gunpowder...

And, a strong vinegar smell.

Yan Huan shook weakly, supported Gao Jianli's hand and saluted Zhao Yang again.

"Your Majesty forgive me, my wife is not feeling well, I hope you will leave first."

Zhao Yang's face was dark, and he smiled after a while, but his eyes were cold with jealousy.

"General Hussars and his wife, they really are a couple."

Yan Huan smiled, and the curve of his lips looked particularly provocative, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your praise."

Zhao Yang probably held back a mouthful of blood in his heart, his face darkened even more, he took a deep look at her, and then left with a flick of his sleeves.

His Majesty was assassinated in the Imperial Temple and was injured, who would dare to stay here any longer, he immediately rushed back to Qin Palace to protect His Majesty.

Gao Jianli didn't accompany Long Huan this time, the Imperial Forest Army surrounded Long Huan several layers, and he didn't need his protection at all. He rode a horse and followed Yan Huan's carriage expressionlessly.

Yan Huan lifted the curtain of the car to look at him, his face seemed to be covered with frost, with no expression at all.


The smell of vinegar permeated the whole street.

Yan Huan put down the car curtain and sighed faintly.

A man is jealous, how can he coax him?
She rubbed her temples and scolded Zhao Yang from head to toe in her heart.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the General's Mansion, Gao Jianli got off the horse first, although his face was cold, he still helped her to get off the carriage.

Yan Huan obediently followed him into the mansion, the moment she stepped into the bedroom, the moment the door creaked shut, Yan Huan's scalp tingled.

She scratched Gao Jianli's palm, and spoke the whole story in a crackling voice.

Before Gao Jianli could speak, she took the initiative to kiss his lips, touched his lips, imitated his tone last time, and spoke slowly.

"Don't be angry, dear..."

 Thank you_The past does not look back and rewards 100 book coins~

  Thank you RU Festival for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Luoge for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Big heart to you!


  Gao Jianli: You want to send me away with just one kiss?

  Yan Huan: What else do you want?Is it possible that you want to... um...


  The following content has been edited by Mengmeng Harmony...

(End of this chapter)

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