Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1316 Secret love is not painful at all

Chapter 1316 Secret love is not painful at all (End)
"There will be some bumps before the plane lands. Passengers, please don't unbuckle your seat belts and walk around at will."

Yan Huan leaned on the chair, looking at the increasingly clear ground scenery outside the small window.

This is the first time she has returned to City F in two years.

Han Xuzhao is right, she still likes Han Xin, and she still can't forget him.

Whether it is heartache or injury, people always have bad roots. After getting through the painful days, they gradually forget how difficult those days were, and they love people they shouldn't like again.

The winter in China is very cold, and the people around me are chatting happily. Yan Huan only wears a light overcoat, and he shivered from the cold just after getting off the plane.

The winter cold in F City is still so familiar, the cold wind is howling, and the dry and cold air penetrates into the body from various gaps. She thinks of the withered trees on the side of the school road, and thinks that no matter how many quilts are put on the bed, it will still be a shivering bed. Frozen hands and feet in the cold classroom, thinking of...

Han Xin soaked ginger brown sugar for her, filled her with a hot water bag, warmed her bed, and held her at night to coax her to sleep.

Many memories have penetrated too deeply, even blurring will not blur, let alone forget.

Yan Huan took the checked luggage and walked towards the exit with the crowd. There were many people around the exit, all of whom came to pick up the plane.

Yan Huan put on a mask and came out with the crowd with eyes downcast. Friends greeted him enthusiastically, family members expressed their missing in tears, and couples embraced and kissed.

She was dragging the suitcase, and she was all alone.

In the noisy exit of the station, I suddenly heard a man's voice shouting in front, "Ning Xiao! I love you!"

It was as unreal as a dream, but the voice was real and familiar.

She raised her head and looked forward, her gaze fell on the man easily.

Because, he was really too prominent, out of place with the whole surrounding crowd.

In such a cold winter, he didn't wear a shirt, and his upper body was bare. There seemed to be writing on his chest, but he couldn't see it clearly from a distance.

"Ning Xiao! I love you!"

He yelled again, and the people around all cast curious glances at this abnormal-looking man, every step Yan Huan took was extraordinarily heavy.

"Ning Xiao! I love you!"

"Ning Xiao! I love you!"

"Ning Xiao! I love you!"

Her eyes were sore, her heart was so painful that she couldn't breathe, warm tears blurred her vision, she walked towards him step by step.

Loved and hated, but still can't forget, can't let go.

That night he hugged her and said, I want to tattoo your name on my chest and engrave you firmly in my heart.

The writing on his chest was deeply engraved and clear, it was her name, Ning Xiao.

She was wearing a mask, and I don't know how Han Xin recognized her.

She didn't know that since junior high school, Han Xin, who was sitting in the last row, had often stared at her back. She had been away for two years, and she was still the most profound and unforgettable existence in his heart, and he would never admit it.

How can there be such deep resentment.

At this moment, it still vanished into thin air.


"Han Xuzhao, how long have you been waiting here? What are you looking at? It's so cold with the windows open!"

Han Xuzhao's eyes were gentle, a look that their group of friends had never seen before.

"Look at the white moonlight."

A few laughs came from the back seat immediately, "You look at the moonlight in broad daylight? Is Young Master Han out of his mind?"

Han Xuzhao withdrew his gaze and glared at the speaker, "You know a P!"

That was the white moonlight in his heart.

 ah!This plane is finally over!

  In fact, Han Xin, he is also quite miserable. He wants to give Ning Xiao the best. He is also arrogant in his bones. In fact, every time Ning Xiao needs him, he is not there, and the discomfort and guilt in his heart are also very painful.
  Alas, no matter which pair of CP you like in the end, I will take Han Xuzhao first...

(End of this chapter)

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