Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1317 The First Encounter in Backflow Chapter [Da Qiao and Sun Ce]

Chapter 1317 Back to the original encounter [Da Qiao and Sun Ce]

【Emotional memory is being withdrawn...】

[Congratulations to the player who successfully conquered Plane 19, and rewarded with 200 diamonds]

[Congratulations to player No. 438 who became the first person to conquer the 20th plane with super good luck. The system decided to use the 20th plane as a welfare plane]

What do you mean, with super good luck?

She also has brains, okay?

Can you speak in the system!

"What is the Welfare Plane? You don't need a Raider, just let the Raiders love me so much?"

[Player please stop daydreaming]

Yan Huan:. . .

[The plane of welfare is not that the player and the strategy character achieve a true love value of 100, but that the player helps the designated character and the strategy character achieve a true love value of 100, and protects the designated character and the strategy character to grow old together]

"So the plane of welfare is, I will be a god assist, and make a pair of designated characters and raiders? And eat their dog food for the rest of my life?"

【correct answer】

"It's okay to make a couple. Do I really want to guard their couple and eat dog food for the rest of their lives?"

There was no disturbance in his heart, he just wanted to hack the system to death.

"I don't see where the welfare is (indifferent face)"

[If the player successfully helps the designated character to complete this plane, he can directly upgrade to the second-level plane for the strategy, and skip the remaining first-level plane]

Damn!Profiteer!Where is the humanity!

How come there are two planes?Will there be three types of planes and four types of planes next?

Then wouldn't she want to stay here all the time, and when she returns to the real world, she will be in her late teens!
"Wait a minute, tell me first, how many planes are there in the second type of plane? Are there three or four types of planes?"

[I wish the player a successful strategy on the 20th plane, no assists will be arranged for this plane to help]

"Who is the designated person? Male or female?"

[Players will know when they enter the new plane]

[Transmission starts! 】


"Our red carp clan used to be as famous as the dragon clan, but later we lived in Fanhai, no more than the dragon clan living on the edge of the world with abundant spiritual power. The spiritual power we absorbed was weak, and it was passed down from generation to generation. Our red carp clan has long been It can't compare to the reputation of the Dragon Clan today."

"Hundreds of years ago, the No. 70 eighth patriarch of the Red Carp Clan set a rule that the youngsters in the clan who reached the age of fourteen had to go to the human world for experience, and only after completing the task could they enter the family tree and become a real member of the carp clan. With such screening and removal of the weak and the losers, the Red Carp Clan is expected to return to their former fame."

"By the coast, every year, many people make wishes to the Sea God. Every year, the task of the youngsters of our red carp clan is to select some from those who made wishes, and help them fulfill their wishes. I hope the Lord is satisfied, and they will come with sacrifices. Fan Hai fulfills his wish, and the red carp juvenile who is fulfilled will be considered as completing the mission."

"When going to the human world, there are three types of things you should not do. One is not to harm the nature, the second is not to forcibly change the wish of the Lord, and the third is not to fall in love with ordinary people."

"The first two points are fairly easy to follow, but the third point must be kept in mind, and you must not be unreasonable in your wishes!"

Zheng Xiang, who was dozing off, staggered and almost fell to the ground, but was helped by the woman next to him.

She opened her eyes in a daze, and the woman next to her smiled helplessly, and said softly and softly, "You dare to doze off in front of the high priest, you."

[Designated person: Da Qiao
Raiders: Sun Ce

Main task: Help Da Qiao and the Raiders achieve a true love value of 100, and grow old together]

Big... Big Joe?
 New plane! ! !Flowers, flowers! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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