Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1325 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1325 Back to the original encounter (9)

It's not the spiritual power that Da Qiao is familiar with, or the race she knows.

That's not the big clan in Fanhai, the spirit immortals in the small clan usually rely on the red carp clan, just like what Da Qiao said, they would sell her face, but Yan Huan felt inexplicably uneasy.

If she couldn't find out which fairy cast the curse within these three days, she would have to stay for a few more days to stalk her.

"Sister, what do you think of Sun Ce?"

Da Qiao's eyes are soft, without too much emotion, "He is bright and informal, kind-hearted, and treats people very well."

孙策从小随着父亲出江出海,性子直爽,爱打抱不平,今日揍一顿欺男霸女的坏蛋,明日打一顿不孝不善的恶子,江郡人戏称他为江东小霸王,其实也是赞扬, It's just that Sun Ce doesn't like this title, and always feels that there is no difference between the overlord and those villains who bully men and women.

Yan Huan bent his lips, "Is Chief Sun Ce handsome?"

Da Qiao nodded her forehead, helplessly, "I'm here to help him fulfill his wish, what does he look like have anything to do with me?"

She curled her lips, "Looking handsome, he seems to be in a good mood..."

Sun Ce has a straightforward personality, and Yan Huan always feels that a woman with a gentle personality like Da Qiao would like a scholar who is gentle and elegant, and can speak poetry.

After all, those fox fairies and flower fairies in novels like scholars, maybe knowledge attracts them?
There were not many people in the Sun family's mansion. Sun Ce was the only son and hadn't married yet. His mother died early, and his father contracted a chronic illness after he was unmarried. He was bedridden. There were only some servants in the house.

"How did my sister meet him and live in his house?"

Sun Ce is also really honest, he brought her home when he met a stranger.

"My grandfather is bedridden with an illness. Everyone in Jiangjun knows about it. I said I can cure his father's chronic illness."

Yan Huan twitched the corner of his mouth, "That's it?"

Da Qiao nodded and handed her a cup of hot tea, "That's it."

It's really straightforward, I'm not afraid that Da Qiao is a charlatan, but Da Qiao is so good-looking, he doesn't look like a liar.

"Grandfather was bedridden for three years, and Sun Ce invited many doctors for unknown causes. He knew that his father's illness was not a common illness, but was probably haunted by evil spirits, so he went to Fanhai to make a wish."

Da Qiao pursed his lips and smiled, "He really thought that God heard his wish and sent me, a brilliant doctor, to save his father."

The appearance of Sun Ce at that time is still funny when I think about it now.

Knowing that she was a hermit doctor who had just left the mountain, Sun Ce wanted to rush over and hug her excitedly, but when he realized that she was a woman, he stopped in his tracks and scratched his head in embarrassment.

In the middle of the day, the sky turned gloomy, as it always does in summer, when the rain comes, the clouds are thick and heavy, and the wind is getting more and more violent, and the trees in front of the house are about to be crushed by the wind.

Da Qiao frowned and looked in the direction of the door, finally waiting for Sun Ce to come.

Seeing that it was going to rain heavily, it was not safe for boats to stay on the river. He had been out of the river all year round, so he naturally knew he had to come back early.

For the convenience of going out of the river, he was dressed in a neat bunt attire, with bare arms, strong arm muscles, wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, and an orange-red belt on his forehead, embroidered with wave patterns.

The wind messed up his short hair. Sun Ce is good-looking. He is not the gentle and elegant handsome of a scholar, but the tough and tough one who can hold up a wine bowl and fight with you with your head up, speak boldly, scold Fang Qiu, and smile like a bright summer sun. man.

(End of this chapter)

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