Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1326 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1326 Back to the original encounter (10)

"Who is this……"

Da Qiao chattered Yan Huan, "This is my junior sister Xiao Qiao. She also sneaked down the mountain when she knew I was going down the mountain. She has always been naughty. If there is something inappropriately offensive, please bear with me, Mr. Sun."

Probably because Da Qiao's tone was too polite and gentle, Sun Ce blushed suddenly, and smiled embarrassedly, "It's okay, I'm not the kind of person who pays attention to rules."

Big Joe, Little Joe.

The names of their teachers and sisters are quite interesting.

"Then let Miss Qiao live next door to you, I'll ask the servants to clean it up."

Yan Huan looked at Sun Ce's back and blinked, "He's so honest and has a thin skin."

Da Qiao pinched her cheek, "Knowing that he is honest, don't make fun of him."

No, no, how could she tease and bully Sun Ce?

In case Sun Ce cast a shadow on her, because she dared not be with Da Qiao, she didn't kill herself by herself.

The servants cleaned up the room next to Da Qiao, and Sun Ce ate lunch alone. Lingxian doesn't eat mortal grains, and it would make him feel uncomfortable.

After the meal, there was a sudden downpour of rain, with pea-sized raindrops, and the crackling of the knocked roof tiles. Da Qiao stood by the window and watched the rainstorm. She raised her eyes to the gray sky. Full of novelty.

The mermaid at the bottom of the sea has never seen what rain looks like.

It turns out that the rain is really raindrops falling, like sea water upside down on the dark clouds in the sky, like a waterfall of raindrops falling densely and quickly, the rain curtain in front of me is blurred and hazy.

Although the sound of the rainstorm was noisy, Da Qiao inexplicably felt very peaceful in his heart.

There is no worry about the cursed aura on grandpa's body, nor is there any worry about whether the wish can be fulfilled.

"Sister likes to watch the rain?"

Yan Huan had seen too many rainy days before, she didn't think there was anything unusual about it.

Da Qiao's eyes were clear and blue, against the gray sky, listless.

"Noisy outside, but calm inside."

After staying in the quiet seabed for too long, this kind of noisy sound can make people feel calm.

The rainstorm came quickly, and it stopped quickly. As soon as the rain stopped, Da Qiao went to Sun Ce to ask about his father's situation, and Yan Huan followed in a stern manner.

The main thing is to ask grandpa if he has encountered any special things, any special people or animals before he contracted the disease.

It may be that he accidentally offended a certain fairy, causing him to hold a grudge, and then cursed his grandson.

Spirit immortals cast curses on mortals. If they are found out, they will be kicked out of the genealogy, and they will also be punished. This will greatly damage their cultivation base, and the punishment will be severe. Ordinary spirit immortals will not do this unless there is something really different. Dai Tian's deep hatred.

After hearing Da Qiao's question, Sun Ce's eyes were a little confused, "Special things, or special people and animals?"

Sun Ce frowned, his eyes gradually wandering. He didn't necessarily remember everything that happened several years ago.

He said uncertainly, "It seems that there is an incident that happened shortly before my father got sick. It should be considered a bit special."

Da Qiao nodded, "Please tell me the details first."

Sun Ce tried hard to recall the incident back then.

"It's like this. More than three years ago, I followed my father out of the river once, and saw a huge cuttlefish in the river. Linjiang, Jiang County, everyone believes in the fish god, so it is usually too big to be unreasonable. We will regard them as fish gods, even if we catch them, we will release them.”

(End of this chapter)

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