Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1329 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1329 Back to the original encounter (13)

After another two or three days, the weather in Jiang County completely cleared up. Today, there is no cloud in the sky, and the breeze is blowing. The boats left the river bank and headed for the wide area of ​​the river.

"Do you remember where you met that fish?"

Sun Ce shook his head embarrassingly.

It happened more than three years ago, and I really don't remember clearly. It was also encountered on the boat, and no one could remember the exact location.

"There are many tributaries around the Xiajiang River, and it leads to Fanhai. It does not rule out that it is a fish from other waters. If you can't find it in the Xiajiang River, you have to trouble Mr. Sun to go somewhere else with me."

Da Qiao smiled with curved lips, the long eyelashes drooping, and the curved arc are gentle.

Her voice was naturally ethereal and gentle, and Sun Ce felt extremely embarrassed every time she heard her call him grandson.

When he was embarrassed, he stammered a little, his face flushed, "It's okay, it's what I should do, Miss Lao Daqiao is bothering about my father's affairs, really, I'm really sorry..."

He is indeed the kind of carefree and informal person, but facing such a beautiful and gentle woman, he always feels uncomfortable everywhere.

Da Qiao smiled and said nothing, and threw the blue beads in his hand into the water.

With a "plop", the beads sank into the river without a trace.

Last night, she brought some spiritual energy from her grandfather's body and turned it into this bead. The spiritual energy is responsive to its owner. If its owner is still somewhere in the Xiajiang River, the pearl will emit a blue halo. float up.

"Just let the boat go forward, we just wait on the boat."

Da Qiao raised his hand to block the sunlight in front of him, which was a little dazzling.

Aquatic creatures like them don't like sunlight. It is difficult for fish to survive out of water. She relies on spiritual power to protect her in the human world. The summer sun is scorching hot.

"Does Mr. Sun have an umbrella? Or something else to block the sun?"

Sun Ce hurriedly asked someone to take things from the ship's utility room to build a shade tent, but the wind was so strong that the tent felt shaky, but something was better than nothing.

Da Qiao stood in the shade on the deck, staring at the river with focused and serious eyes.

There was fine sweat on her forehead. It was hot in summer, and Da Qiao seemed afraid of the sun. Sun Ce felt very sorry for letting her guard on the deck like this.

"Miss Da Qiao, what are you looking at? Why don't you tell me, I'll help you watch, and you go back to the cabin to rest."

Da Qiao raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and smiled at him, "No, thank you."

It is safe to do things by yourself, and she is not a delicate and weak woman.

The beads sank into the river and disappeared without a trace. The boat moved slowly, and her eyes were a little sore after staring at the water for a long time, but she still didn't see any blue halo.

It has been more than three years, and the fish may not still be on the main road of the Xiajiang River. The Xiajiang River is a tributary of the Gongjiang River. There are so many other branches of the Gongjiang River, and the intricately connected waters are so wide. All the seas are connected, maybe the fish passed through the seas and went to other places.

She frowned, a little upset.

In the rivers and lakes of the mortal world, the water area is too wide and too diverse, and it is too difficult to find a fish.

In desperation, he suddenly saw the water surface in front of the bow, the azure halo became thicker and thicker, the beads floated from the water surface, and floated back into Da Qiao's palm.

"Stop the boat! Tell someone to stop the boat!"

(End of this chapter)

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