Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1330 Backflow Chapter The First Encounter

Chapter 1330 Back to the original encounter (14)

Unexpectedly, the fish was still in the Xiajiang River!
Sun Ce quickly asked someone to stop the boat, and stood at the bow of the boat with Da Qiao, stretching his neck to look at the river ahead, there was no difference.

"I'm going to the river for a trip, don't move the boat, please wait for me right here, Mr. Sun."

Sun Ce was taken aback, "Do you want to go into the water? Although it is summer, the water in the river is still a bit cold."

Da Qiao looked fragile, and if she went down and was soaked in cold water, she would definitely get sick.

She shook her head, holding the beads in her hand, "It's okay, I also learned some heresy ways when I was studying medicine, I can hold my breath in the water, and I also know some ways to find gods and monsters."

Sun Ce insisted on going into the water with her, but Da Qiao insisted that he stay on the boat and wait for her. He had no choice but to reluctantly agree.

Everything needs to be done by a weak woman, and Sun Ce feels that he is a bit useless.

But he didn't understand these mysterious things, so he could only do what Da Qiao said.

Da Qiao jumped into the river and swam to a deeper water. The people above could no longer see her, so she turned into a mermaid.

It was much more comfortable in the water than on the boat, she let go, and the blue beads in her hand swam deeper underwater, followed closely by Da Qiao.

The further down, the darker the light, if it wasn't for the bead still exuding a faint blue halo, the surrounding area would be pitch black.

Quiet, only the sound of her fish tail pushing aside the river water can be heard.

The beads stopped moving.

Is it here?
But she didn't feel any aura from other spirits.

It was still oppressive and quiet, without any spiritual energy or evil spirit, and there was no sound.

Something is wrong!
There was a strong sense of oppression behind her, and Da Qiao felt suffocated in her heart, and immediately jumped up a little bit. A huge object sprang out from behind the position she had just been in, and the water wave shook her further away.

"May I ask what clan you are from?"

Unable to see clearly, Da Qiao transformed into a lantern in the water, and the faint azure halo illuminated the giant below.

There are more than a dozen long bluish-blue thorns on its back, revealing a cold and shining light, and its eyes are indeed fierce.

This fish is dozens of times bigger than her, and the cultivation time is definitely many years longer than that of Da Qiao. Da Qiao should call it senior.

"You juniors, you don't deserve to know."

The fish was the voice of a man with a deep voice, and the tone was not small, it flicked its tail contemptuously, "Little fish of the red carp clan, look at your original shape, are you still the orthodox leader of the red carp clan, did you come to experience in the mortal world? "

Da Qiao frowned, the fish's tone was very domineering and arrogant.

The spirits of Xiajiang are very respectful to the spirits in Fanhai, and they are even more polite and polite to the red carps who control Fanhai.

Although this fish is her predecessor, he seems to have too much contempt for himself and the red carp clan.

Just now he said that a junior like himself doesn't deserve to know, which is too arrogant.

The fish looked at the azure bead not far away, the spirit energy recognized its owner, and was summoned by the fish.

"You made this? How do you have this aura?"

The blue beads shattered into a ball of blue halo, which disappeared into the fish's body.

His voice was deep and cold, very suffocating. Da Qiao had never felt this way before. In front of him, she would be inexplicably afraid. She couldn't feel the aura of the fish until now!

Her tone was respectful, "Senior, it's like this, my Lord, you had a cursed aura in his father's body, so I used this method to find you, and I want to ask if you can relieve his father's curse .” not the male second haha
  There is no male second in this plane (spoilers in a low voice)
(End of this chapter)

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